Thursday, September 19, 2024

Something is not Sane about Tampon Tim's Spouse


The Face of Madness

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you remember Grandma Hillary in her "Joker" grinning speeches about winning in 2016 and other deranged Trump things, I now appreciate Hamrod a great deal as while she is disturbing in her Grinch like smile of malevolence, it is Grandma slow. Something really alarming happens when you speed this up and was shown recently by Gwen Walz the wife of Tampon Tim on display to a rather psychotic audience in Wisconsin.

Mrs. Walz looks like someone in need of an exorcism.

The clinical diagnosis of this is in forensic psychology in Gwen Walz is hyped up on crowd attention. She literally feeds off the energy and attention of a crowd. That is all well and fine if you are Frank Sinatra, but it is a bit disturbing when it is an Adolf Hitler type energy ranting and raving as arms are waving before a crowd in a frenzy.

Allot of people enjoy a crowd, that is what raves or concerts are about in people feeding off of each other's energy. In a positive arena that is a healthy thing as large numbers of people feel good and they go home feeling good and do not cause the community trouble.

Gwen Walz is not going home though. She is growing in this persona which seems to have begun with a deranged rant in Virginia and now is manifesting like she is a madame of self orgasm in public in multiple features.

This video has had hundreds of thousands of hits and people are troubled by it. This is not doing Kamala Harris any good as it is turning off women voters who are not consumed by hatred of men. Mrs. Walz has around 50 days to feed off of her own hysteria and anyone watching this knows this is not healthy as she is drunk and intoxicated on her own morphine surging through her veins.

People in political campaigns should not conjure up for the majority of voters that they are the wicked witch of the west.

204.7K views·10 years ago

I hope that Tim Walz has some kind of manly control that he can perform an intervention on his wife and save her from himself and not add to the damage self inflicted by the Harris Walz campaign.

As this closes out, I remember beloved actor Corey Haim stating the first snort he ever took of cocaine, had him saying that was the best thing ever and he was addicted. Gwen Walz is the same in this crowd orgasm she is having by her own chemical production. This has to be dealt with medically and psychologically as the crowds will not be there after November and crowds do not always cheer.

I do not believe that Gwen Walz can slow it down to Grandma Hillary's slow masturbation of self pleasure before audiences as she is in a frenzy.

Nuff Said
