Friday, September 27, 2024

Massive Chem Attack to Kill All

I will kill everyone, even the Jews, but it is ok
as Ezekiel brings only the Jew to life again.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I hope you are having a nice Sabbath Day at rest in the Lord, as I'm frowning a few days beforehand over a Hal Turner post about Netanyahu or someone whispering about a fentanyl attack on the State of Tel Aviv which will kill everyone. That is BS as one does not attack a nuclear power with 5 kilos of bug dust and not expect the wind to blow it out to Egypt. It would take tons and an effective crop dusting to create the final solution on these Ashkejew converts.

That stated, we come to the Scripture part on the other side where we will meet gain.

I was told yesterday, of an ALLEGED plan to send dispersal rockets containing five kilograms of medically pure Fentanyl over Israel, and thereby wipe out the entire population.  I shuddered when I was told this because, to my thinking, such an act WOULD do what they said: Wipe out the entire country.

Anyone outside as this dispersed, who inhaled just one of the smaller-than-grains-of-sand particles of this hideous drug, would likely be killed by it.  Worse, if he drug got on the skin of anyone, it would be absorbed through the skin and kill them, too.  As such, the ENTIRE POPULATION of Israel could, in fact, be wiped out!

I honestly did not take the time to figure out of the Twitter post below is Netanyahu or this Jack Hibbs moron on Scripture who trotted out Ezekiel the Prophet in chapters 36 through 38 that the state of Tel Aviv has nothing to fear as God said once they were re established they would not be harmed.

OK, working back on this from Chapter 38 which is the start of the Gog Magog Prophecy, as I told that Lindsey person at World Net Daily and never got credit for the correction that chapters 38 and 39 in Ezekiel the Prophet are after the return of Jesus in the 100 year Sabbath Peace when satan is bound to the pit.

So anyone linking chapter 38 to now is not talking from God.

In chapter 36, this if you read the entire thing is about God hammering a most reprobate people named Israel. Then there is chapter 37 which is the one about the DRY BONES, meaning everyone is dead and is resurrected.

This is not exactly carte blanche from God in saying the Jew converts from the Ashkenaz are the apple of God's Eye and get to engage in genocide and holocaust. For Netanyahu or Hibbs to be linking chapter 37 with everyone dead, is really a read alert in how America should not be involved with insane people, misquoting Scripture who appear to be saying, "We are going to kill everyone, so they will kill all the Jews, but it's ok, because out of our bone piles of dead, we will have a new nation.

That is unbalanced and it is not what the Bible teaches.

What chapter 37 seems to indicate is that after Armageddon there is a resurrection. Netanyahu or Hibbs are ignorant that in verse 11 it literally states this is the WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. That is the entire 13 tribes which does not include apostate Christ hating Jew converts. They are rose from graves in their nations of displacement in the Americans and English are Joseph, Issachar is the Swiss, Naphtali the Norwegians, Gad the Swedes, Dan the Danes.............etc... This is what these chapters are about, not about Jew converts from the Japheth bloodlines.

The Lame Cherry can assure everyone that every person who is alive or dead and rejects Jesus as the Son of God, and their personal Savior, resurrects to destruction or eternal death, not to possessing the Holy Land.

Meet you on the other side.

The Lame Cherry is more troubled in what this anti Christ sect in Tel Aviv is unleashing for their false messiah, and now apparently are advocating that all these Jews will be dead, but that is kosher as Ezekiel is going to make them alive again. THAT IS NOT WHAT THE HOLY GHOST WHO INSPIRED EZEKIEL TAUGHT. Read it yourself.

Now that you have learned more than you have, it is time to pass that collection plate which you people with money need to find that donate button and put in the heaps of cash as you have been quite delinquent and more to the point, you just learned that Juland and these Ziongelicals are propelling this along to a Jim Jones and Jonestown green drink end which will probably end up on your non donating doorsteps sooner than later.

Netanyahu needs to change his name to Nutanyahu and these Ziongelicals need to stop sucking the Kagan genitals to the extreme.

Nuff Said
