Saturday, September 28, 2024



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I ordered the anesthetization of Adolf and Eva Hitler, and had them moved from the Berlin bunker for their transportation to Argentina, where I was going to establish the 4th Reich with a million man army.  Upon further contemplation, German fortunes were better invested in 760 multinational corporations to take control of the world, as the world was transformed from Frank Roosevelts International Socialism to hedgefund conglomerate socialism to establish authority for the new order.

Martin Bormann

Almost every American occupant of 1600 Penn Avenue has made the sojourn to Argentina, to the Hitler sanctuary, to kiss the ring.

Argentine nationalists and neo-Nazis generally are hostile to the US and to the USSR. Some neo-Nazi leaders in both Argentina and Germany, however, advocate ...

The reason General George Patton was assassinated was due to the Germans, who were under his protection were not in Bormann's circle who had traded to America 3 billion dollars in Deutsch Bank Gold which financed thee American after the war expansion, for the German Reich's lives.
John Kennedy was assassinated in part over the Tel Aviv nuclear bomb, but it went much deeper. It was he reality of why Dwight Eisenhower signed off on the assassination as Kennedy was about to dismantle this CIA cover superstructure which had been created to command and control all of this

Dwight Eisenhower who oversaw the mass murder of 11 million Germans in concentration camps after the war was the beneficiary and steward of this infusion of money, the "UFO" technology and treaty introduction, and the infusion of German Paperclip nationals into America intelligence and NASA.

The communist thought their creation of the Birther Obama, like London banking, that he was one of their own. Those who managed the Obama account, like all these other DIA assets, answered to a different order, which is establishing itself as the new order.

There is a continuous renewing of this Bormann Doctrine and it is why these occupants of 1600 Penn appear in Argentina to affirm those conditions for the continued filtering of technology and backing for what is thought as the American Imperegal, when in reality it is the German 4th Reich transforming to the German 5th Reich.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
