Sunday, September 29, 2024

Murder by the Ton


Always a Jew IQ genius to show the world your secure communications
and to implicate Poland Springs Maine as Netanyahu's bottled water.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When it comes to using American tools for Ashkejew mass murder, the Jew of Tel Aviv comes up with all kind of cock preening names for their operations, but the only people who matter named the murder of the political leader of Hezbollah, by this one.

 Operation гробокопатель

The Jews bragged on cock size, 80,000 pounds to get one Muslim. That factors out in the bunker buster bombs in these kind of sizes of American jets. The F 35 sucks n this role in being a lightweight, but then again it is a suicide nuclear bomber.

GBU 28 4000 pounds, 4 on the F 16 - 20

GBU 72 5000 pounds, 1 on the F 15 -  16

Israel’s air force struck the bunker with about 80 tons of bombs, according to several people familiar with the situation. The attack used a series of timed, chained explosions to penetrate the subterranean bunker, a senior Israeli military official said.

So what the Jews did is got the green light from Benjamin Netanyahu while staying in New York, so this hit was launched from the United States as a real Piss U to Biden. Anyway, the Jews had a squadron of F 15's sitting in their hangars for weeks with 5000 pound American busters, ready for the go ahead at a moment's notice.

It was not all that rabbit in hat, as the Jews did a cat and mouse, a cause and effect, which if you had trapped predators you would know how easy it is. Tel Aviv knew when they stung Lebanon hard enough, that the leadership would have a response meeting. No genius there as Jews run to the pantry just as quick when they get stung, but Muslims do not have assassination squads sitting around to murder political leaders, you know like JFK in Dallas  1963.

We'll take apart the Jew cock size in where they do their zipper thinking in how this is all sets up.

The new data allowed Israel to compile extensive profiles on Hezbollah’s operatives, including the top chiefs who would attend the funerals of the slain fighters.

Narrowing its targets, the Jewish state then began hacking into the terror group’s communication devices, with spies able to track down the exact movements of Hezbollah’s operatives — sometimes through their wives’ cell phones.

Israel’s spies also tracked Hezbollah leaders’ movements by hacking surveillance cameras in Lebanon, and even reading their cars’ odometers.

As a result, Israel learned that whenever the routines of the terror group deviated, an attack was imminent, Israeli officials told the FT.

That very thing occurred on Friday as Israel bombarded Beirut, with officials learning that Nasrallah was en route to his “command and control” bunker.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in New York for his speech at the United Nations when he green-lit the decision to drop Israel’s ideal weapon to take out Nasrallah.

The Jewish state had been planning the attack for months as it developed bombs outfitted with timed explosions that would dig through the earth, allowing the next bomb to reach further down, the Wall Street Journal reports.

OK so Barack Obama started shipping weapons out of Libya, to train Obama's ISIS in Syria for a coup. Jordan trained the trigger fingers and Turkey provided the weapons as Obama stole the Syrian oil using Kurdish truck drivers.

If you need to stop and nurse the baby, is ok, I will pick things up after you pat and burp.

So Obama's terrorists, joined up with Hezbollah fighting to save Syria, and when the Lebanese got killed, the obituaries reported it and the ghoul Jews, started tracking the dead in relation to the living.

Once they got the cell phone pings, they tracked back into Lebanon in the leadership.  The majority of Hezbollah leadership have women, The women are chatty Kathy when their men are going off to plan things. The leadership was gone to fight the Jews and the women started texting and looking at Facebook, that is what the Mosaad was jacking off to.

It was all kind of NSA on the Jew hybrid version of PROMIS they stole in they used traffic cams and car computers in plotting movements, just like trapping coyotes in Colorado on the scent of the old bitch with the pups.

You don't need to have wetware. You just put a reader on the den or bunker entrance and it sends the signal to Mosaad, who gets the alert if they are not having an orgy with young IDF girls, at the swimming pool.

There were red herrings in this for the propaganda as the Jews like jerking off to jerking people around. 

What this all tells me is the Jews are scared of Hezbollah. They have no people close on the ground and are not good enough to infiltrate Muslims. They hire low IQ types to take the chances.

The Muslims who are still alive either are single, queer or have women who are not cell phone pixies. The Jews like bragging about the numbers murdered, but what they left are the ones that are the ones who are not going to stick their foot into a #3 four coil offset.

The Jews have in Darwin Natural Selection created an elite group who are going to finish off the Jews who the Jews have not finished off in injecting almost the entire population to reduce it with that mRNA Covid vax.

The Jews in their bunker busters, never broke the bunker. They got Nasrallah with concussion from the big ordnance digging the hole.

Clive Owen had a line in Shoot em Up in "I hate a pussy with a gun in their hand". That about sums it up with Jews and big cock bombs. The Jews have a limited range with their big bombs. They have a finite supply of traitors who will plant bombs to blow up Ayatollahs.

The Jews manipulated it this way to implicate all the Americans as on Dallas 1963. Damned fools in greed for profits never saw it coming. The Jews in their exploding pagers, blowing up peaceful Philistines in Iran and using American bombs, has been busy implicating most of the west to suffer terrorism and to intimidate those nations to keep quiet.

Netanyahu is in huge political trouble at home and abroad, or he would not have produced the selfie showing too much internal security communications. Same stunt Birther Obama did in buying the bin Laden corpse and sending the SEALS to kill his stand in to change the subject on Obama's birth abstract. Tel Aviv is revealing nothing but weakness and fear in their big ole bomb digging holes using American cock size busters.

If the Jews of Tel Aviv were not such pussies, they would have done a real surgical on Nasrallah, but they couldn't as they are not that skilled and let's face it, after getting the blood of Jesus on all their children, that gnaws on their minds and they don't want to be alone when it comes to God's Judgment.

All Netanyahu has done is create a better Muslim sand wolf.

Nuff Said

