Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sowing the Seeds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In every way, the Republican Party is revisiting it's birth, when the Democratic Blair family of Missouri, backed a US Hero in John Charles Fremont, wed to the daughter of Democratic icon, Thomas Hart Benton, to create a new party from the ruin of the Whig Northeast Banking Establishment, with free labor Democrats.

This party would be arrested again by the Blair family, when the nation was split, and at Chicago, a Grand Olde Party arose in the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for the American West over the establishment soon to be Secretary of State Seward.

The Republican Party was established by the titan in President William McKinley and produced the first international President then. Following his assassination, appeared the international war powers President in Theodore Roosevelt, who then settled into the very American President of Calvin Coolidge who fulfilled the dream of Peace through Strength.

From that juncture in time, the Republican party would be derailed by Taft and Hoover and America would be violently murdered by internationalist Woody Wilson and Frank Roosevelt.

It would not be in this global outlook of imperigal where President Richard Nixon, after having the election stolen from him by John Kennedy, would inherit massive socialist spending on war and entitlements by Lyndon Johnson that Republicanism would take form again in foreign policy over nuclear genocide and in both foreign and domestic would produce another Democratic convert in Ronald Reagan as the savior of America and the world.

America again became hijacked in the imperegals, the imperialists who are set up as regals in the Bush family, and their like cohorts in the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens who are the same uniparty again of plundering America for social spending and war profits for the few.

If one listens to the heartbeat of America, I would state that on the political right, it is dead, except for this Lame Cherry, producing actual policy. Policies which if one bothers to listen, somehow have again become the Donald Trump campaign promises for 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.

Though Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant, there was vibrant debate in Republicanism, as much in the administrations of the beloved William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge.  Except fo the genius of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, there has not been one defining protagonism for America, since Newt Gingrich in the Contract For America. Congress is dead. The Executive is dead. The Supreme Court is dead, all DEAD of ideas as to the failings of what is the uniparty death pit of more debauchery, more debt and more war which has now been advanced as more slavery in his invasion of the West, deliberately set off by Birther Obama's 3rd world policies of disruption.

This is what the Lame Cherry desires for you to contemplate. In 1860 AD, the foundation of Abraham Lincoln's Republicans were an immigrant group, of the mechanical class, who had been chased out of Europe, in reforming things there. They were socialists, but socialist in reforms for workers, not stealing tax money. These were German Free Laborers, at odds with Southern Slave Labor. America like Nazi Germany has been driven into a George W. Bush and Barack Obama Slave Trade of humanity for the few, as Obama plundered the Treasury for Ponzi Green Programs which all failed and cost Americans a fortune in electric bills by design. Thee American economy under Joe Biden has been nothing but a prop of laundered money, handed out in cash carts to bait invaders into America, in kickback wages and those 10 to 30 thousand dollar cash cards which in spending all flow into Wall Street again.

900 Dollar Nigger Slaves for sale on the block in Charleston South Carolina have become the 30,000 dollar Cash Niggers of Haiti in Ohio. We all can agree that this is no way to run a country.

In noting the above, that the political right in America is dead in nothing appearing, the same is a fact of the political left in their ideas all involve some kind of death for babies, old people or wars.
That is why this Lame Cherry has been examining that like the Blairs and Senator Stephen Douglas, all Democrats, that thee only political enlightenment is coming from the Kennedy Democrats in America. That is Gerald Celente, Jeff Rense, Scott Ritter and one can add Robert Kennedy jr, and Dennis Kucinich of Ohio who wrote a far reaching piece in examining what is wrong with the politics of America.

For decades I have led opposition to war and advocated for the transformation of America’s prevailing policy of “Peace through Strength” to a forward-looking  policy of “Strength through Peace.” 

That is Congressman Kucinich's statement and it might as well have been said by Ronald Reagan, as this is the kind of idealism which President Reagan espoused.

I desire for you to read the following quotes, by Democrats and Republicans, in the minority in Congress which was reproduced by Mr. Kucinich.

Meet you on the other side.

 October 2022, thirty Members of the U.S. Congress’ Democratic Progressive Caucus signed a letter calling for President Biden to consider diplomacy, and then in a matter of hours were pressured to retract the letter? The Members were reprimanded by the Administration and the Democratic leadership for their advocacy of peace.

In that withdrawn, forbidden letter, the Progressive Members stated,

 “The risk of nuclear weapons being used has been estimated to be higher now than at any time since the height of the Cold War. Given the catastrophic possibilities of nuclear escalation and miscalculation, which only increase the longer this war continues, we agree with your goal of avoiding direct military conflict as an overriding national-security priority. Given the destruction created by this war for Ukraine and the world, as well as the risk of catastrophic escalation, we also believe it is in the interests of Ukraine, the United States, and the world to avoid a prolonged conflict. For this reason, we urge you to pair the military and economic support the United States has provided to Ukraine with a proactive diplomatic push, redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire.

Later in April 2023, nineteen Conservative Republicans, including now VP candidate Senator J.D. Vance, similarly communicated to the Administration the perils of escalating the war without diplomatic strategy, stating in their letter

Our military assistance goes beyond tangible assets to include military training and intelligence support. The extent of our aid makes it increasingly difficult to deny Russian accusations of U.S. complicity in a proxy war. Vladimir Putin’s advisors are already framing the conflict as “a military confrontation between Russia and NATO, and above all the United States and Britain.” Russian tolerance for fighting a proxy war with NATO could run out at any point. The decision to invade Ukraine should be evidence enough of Putin’s willingness to use military force and should give us pause in continuing to push the limits at the risk of catastrophe.

Ukraine is a pawn, politicized for Democratic presidential electoral gain, blood for ballots.

So we have before us, liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans who are joined  in foreign policy as close as Lincoln and Douglas were for America. The Kennedy Democrats noting information and not propaganda are driving this awareness of THOUGHT. We are a mind numbed cell phone population, and when shit hits the fan for Americans, and it is there in the first coating, people will be disrupted enough, that they are going to begin listening to ideas again, and it will make their brains hurt, but they understand that the answers are not in the betrayal of what has hijacked both political parties from John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

Just as when Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451, in which the books were all burned, and the books were memorized by people to carry the knowledge forward, we will arrive at a time when the things the Lame Cherry family has read here for over a decade in your ability to think, is going to appear and once people are looking for answers in your gatherings, you are the one who has going to have the sound policies, you are the ones who have the 3rd level responses to which all will fall silent, and then the ideas here will begin educating the population as the light through this darkness.

One of the biggest delights I have is being stimulated intellectually, to my brain hurting. I relish people who really do have intellect, not the frauds which abound now in CIA Mockingbird rhetoric, but true Apostles of the Republic who start talking and provide information to give context to policies. Granted I have to mine in literature over 100 years old in most cases to find stimulation, but it is there, and it is wonderful, and it does appear here. I have been gleaning the intellect of hundreds of brilliant minds in the Carl Sandberg history of Abraham Lincoln at war. What America is being put through again, was faced by the people of that 1860 era and their light still shines. Dennis Kucinich could polish his thought associations, but he is there with some spectacular ideas and quotes which are high IQ in this low smart phone mentality.

I never thought I would ever be posting anything in support of Mr Kucinich or Mr. Kennedy, but that is the reality as they are the ones who are providing the answers in the way through this, even though it was their supporters who caused this shit hole that Bush fam dug the Goddamn hole with.

That is what Abraham Lincoln teaches from the grave. The commonality of basic reality of what is sound policy and when the house is burning down, you don't wonder if the Firemen voted your way or not, just that they have the same solution that you have in putting out the fire.

We have two letters one signed by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Ilhan Omar and one signed by JD. Vance and Eli Crane, both stating that Americans do not want to die over Ukraine as we have needs at home. We have not had a Congress now since Newt Gingrich producing ideas, no more than we have not had an Executive leading since Ronald Reagan. The destruction of America is now producing ideas among individuals on the right and the left. The smarmy Americons on the right and slimy Amerikans on the left are bankrupt in stealing all our future for their feudal few. There is a political evolution which has begun which is moving from debt, debauchery and war.

Dennis Kucinich has summed it up.

Dennis Kucinich: Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy and Debt for Prosperity

If America resurrects, it will be the ideas of life, liberty and moral prosperity which will be the germination of a crop which nourishes our land rebuilt with cottages, from this death, enslavement and debt slavery which is the undoing of all of our lives.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Tears For Fears - Sowing The Seeds Of Love - YouTube

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