Thursday, September 26, 2024

of groomed and groomers


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry states at this point, it does not have the answers to the Jan6 or Jan13 events, but there is in this a very recurrent problem in these investigations and that is the FBI is not investigating, but tampering with evidence.

You can read the Revolver quote below on tampered video footage, but in this one must understand that there is not Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, this is something which makes no sense and I'm not going to attempt to explain it, but to simply alert you to some unsettling realities.

When you read the quote below, remember that this all goes back to George W. Bush's regime. Remember this all goes back to Attorney General John Ashcroft, who we were told is from Missouri and is a Conservative Christian. There was no known trouble with Ashcroft as Dan Rather hated the guy, but if one follows  the trail of trouble from Robert Mueller who revamped the entire FBI in ridding it of senior placed officers by moving them around the country, James Comey who followed and then Christopher Wray, along with the next Attorney General in William Barr of Bush41, one can see that all of this degradation and hunting down of Americans began with this group. Let us not forget that Jew, Senator George Allen of Virginia, who should have been President was destroyed by the Bush family for Jeb Bush to run in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. The same crap that Clinton and Obama unleashed and was covered up by Eric Holder as AG against Americans at Ruby Ridge to JFK jr, to Governor Cuomo and Senator John Edwards, all came from this same cuddle group of Big Mike and George W.

Meet you on the other side.

Based on a conversation with a very trusted government source, we learned that a government official (not from the FBI) investigating aspects of the pipe bomb case obtained access to and viewed 45 minutes of DNC surveillance footage early in the year 2022. The footage in question was from the evening of January 5th, and footage from the DNC cameras of January 6th that would have depicted the discovery of the DNC bomb (without the blind spots of Capitol Police footage) had already been deleted. The government official in question reported that the DNC footage he or she watched clearly depicted the pipe bomber actually planting the bomb and did not note any problem with frame rate or clarity of picture. The government official did not, as one would expect, obtain this footage from the FBI. Instead, the official watched the footage at the DNC building.

A number of critically important questions and results immediately follow from this. Why, in early 2022, would the DNC keep in its possession its surveillance footage from the evening of the 5th, but delete its footage from January 6th, which would also be important to any investigation? The fact that the government official saw footage that clearly depicted the pipe bomber planting the bomb confirms our reporting that such footage was captured on DNC cameras and that the FBI simply chose to withhold that footage (why on earth would they do that?). That the official reported no problem with frame rate or clarity of the footage strongly indicates that the original footage from the DNC was not of the same degraded quality as the video the FBI ended up presenting to the public. If this is true, it suggests that the FBI itself must have tampered with the footage to degrade its quality before releasing it to the public.

There is no doubt from Jan6 to J13, the FBI has been lying in Christopher Wray saying shrapnel hit Donald Trump which was  a pre released talking point which the FBI corrected the next day, to tampered video footage of the DC Piper. This blog was the first to prove that there was AI generated footage to produce false narratives in what took place at Butler PA. The strange blue security light which kept appearing in new place and disappearing was a glaring example as much as blood trails moving on the shooter roof and in one police video it was as divided stream and the next it was a deluge which would have required a cow to get that much blood.

It is puzzling in who these Ashcroft people are. Katie Walsh who Donald Trump fired and then being protected, by Mike Pence, ended up getting millions at the RNC in selling your data after selling out Donald Trump. She is an Ashcroft bim, and there is a tremendous pull and protection for all of these people. The only time any of them stopped was when Robert Mueller dropped his case against Jerome Corsi, and that had to do with Corsi was about to produce evidence in court for his trail which would have exposed that Missing Link who was managing this entire Russiagate frame up, which we know was MI6, Mosaad, John Brennan CIA running an FBI group to frame Trump and supporters in that Steele dossier as Comey sat on the sideline.

There is an absolute stonewalling operation at FBI, Homeland, Secret Service, US Marshals and it is linked to the NSA running data and producing data, while the Defense Intelligence Agency and now Naval Intelligence seem to be the only groups squawking about these situations in feeding information to the public as this committee and their appointed puppets delete,tamper with, delay and then certify bogus information like the Warren Commission and 9 11 Commission did.

This is so pronounced that the media operatives were telling us the FBI was going to resign in mass over Hillary Clintons' crimes. No resignations came and it was all Mockingbird to keep the public from asking questions as this moved one more step ahead and now has the jackboot on all of our necks from the right and the left.

This group hates people on the right and left in who they have removed. They enticed Bobby Kennedy to run and were going to Kennedy him. Bobby figured out what was going on and ran for his life. They almost took out Donald Trump on J13. They took out Joe Biden in a coup and they have been moving to remove Kamala Harris too as the Obama's never intended this woman to be elected to anything.

Journalists, lawyers and activists hacked with Pegasus spyware in ...

Feb 1, 2024 ... Israeli-made Pegasus spyware was used in Jordan to hack the cellphones of at least 30 people, including journalists, lawyers, human rights and political ...

I can assure you when I wrote about Juland stories that my computer screen got fried, the computers would not shut down and almost caught fire, and every time now I mention Juland, the computers run in overdrive as they are being data mined. This is an extension, a trade off in Mosaad spies for data, then feeds it back to the off docket committee for their command and control, as MI6 does not get hauled before Congress to explain it's operations using the CIA and FBI.

If one examines John Ashcroft, the man looks squeaky clean. In that, the projection would be that Ashcroft like the Tea Party was a target of infiltration. All the do gooders who were bending at the knee pretending affinity with John Ashcroft were operatives as amoral as a Chris Wallace deceiving FOX viewers until Obama came along or John the hero McCain, Orin Hatch, George Bush, pretending to be kosher when they were the pied pipers leading the trusting over the edge which became Jan6.

Ashcroft sits on the board of directors for the private military company Academi (formerly Blackwater) and is a professor at the Regent University School of Law, a conservative Christian institution affiliated with the late televangelist Pat Robertson; he has also been a member of the Federalist Society. His son, Jay Ashcroft, is also a politician, serving as Secretary of State of Missouri since January 2017.

There are twists in this as all lord of war is. Erick Prince came out early debunking Butler PA and immediately shut up. He was told it would be healthy for him to not say anymore. Silence is the cover up in all of this though, and the major players in this are the people who appeared while John Ashcroft was in power, placed head of the security state by George W. Bush, who has funded the invasion of America by Obama 3rd world meltdown with these "religious charities" who manage the new slave trade. The things we got and though were righteous have been weaponized against us. Just as the good Ronald Reagan set out was corrupted by Bush41.

We can see the corruption and we know the figureheads placed before us, but it is that committee behind these people who are engaged in these operations in planting pipe bombs and Butler. That executive committee is the source. That is who generated the Missing Link in Russiagate which led trusting Republican operatives into the Paul Manafort set up.

I have no idea what or who John Ashcroft is. Even as an innocent, he knows as well as Donald Trump who put the names of these people before him, as much as Joe Biden knows. All are keeping silent though in the silence of corruption of the system.

Nuff Said

