Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Jewbred War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the past week, we have witnessed something new. Something beyond thee American Pentagon painting false signatures into Iraqi defenses before a war to have their radars show images which were not there.

What we are witnessing and no one is telling you is a new form of hybrid warfare, and you have to ask yourself if you support this, a Hillary Clinton announced she wanted eveyrone jailed who does  not agree with here and how long will it be, before you do not agree with something Tel Aviv does and become a target.

We witnessed first in Lebanon a mass implanting of batter bomb pagers which began decapitating the Hezbollah leadership in command and control. For those who thin this genius,  ask yourself if you want an enemy of America blowing up all of America's leadership by terror bombings before an invasion? Russia was already sending primates with special operations into Crimea so this is not going to be contained as we now have consumer goods, being used to blow up thousands of people which run a nation.

The next Tel Aviv terrorism is very much what is Five Eyes and was used against Americans on Jan6. In this case though instead of jail without bail, Tel Aviv was painting people using their cell phones in order to use satellite targeting to blow up people in their homes.......including all of the women an children.

In operations, this is simple to dissect. Jewish agents and assets they pay, have been tapping into the communications like Stingray of the FBI of everyone in Lebanon. Each communication is gridded, each phone is tracked and the target is followed to their home, where in either a Google Earth type platform or a series of survey beacons, all of Lebanon has been put into clicks. Every home has a GPS ID just like in America, and when a phone is tracked into  a home, the target has a Jewish JDAM made in America, glided into that home where everyone dies, from the dogs and cats to the neighbor kids.

You think all this GPS is kosher in America for your Amazon drop offs.The same kill and obliterate grid is in the Pentagon and Homeland of your home and there are operational plans to get rid of Americans in the event it is "necessary".

The Muslim appears even more addicted to electronics than most races and this use has had them tracked and put on lists to whack or a decade. I would bet that there is in Iran, a backdoor sweep which is tracking every Iranian leader.

Tel Aviv has killed the Hezbollah command and control, using cell phones. It has set back the group 20 years in experience. As Netanyahu is cocking off about this, he has called up his reserves to do some kind of sweep into Lebanon as the militant groups are without most of their leadership.

For an  American comparrison, the Japanese in Okinawa in that hard fighting, had in the Marines killed off most of the lieutenants and sergeants, which was a real problem for command and control. By the end of that three month battle, the Marines were throwing in green troops without any training which were spending a few minutes on the front line before being shoved into a body bag.

The question is, for your ordered life, your getting supplies, your security, do you want an enemy killing off everyone in your community the way the Jews have accomplished in this Jewbred War.

Israel has wiped out most of Hezbollah’s leadership in two days of brutal targeted airstrikes.

Over 550 people, including dozens of children, were killed in Israeli strikes on Lebanon on Monday, according to the country’s health ministry.

On Tuesday, leading commander Ibrahim Qubaisi in the terror group’s rocket division was killed in the suburbs of Beirut, Reuters reported.

Israel has begun dropping leaflets into parts of Lebanon with a “very dangerous” barcode on them, according to Hezbollah’s media office.

The ominous barcode allegedly “withdraws all information” from phones if scanned.

There is not putting any of this back into the bottle. With all the data mining conducted in the West, our devices frequently overheat to, too hot to touch. The screen on this laptop was fried by some spider for what I was posting on this blog. While Tel Aviv needed explosive coated batters to blow up pagers, we have witnessed people like Paul Walker and Anne Heche had their cars turned into death missiles which murdered them.

Do you have the security a  human with rights to be in your own home with your children safe? In  Lebanon, Tel Aviv has dictated the answer is NO as children are expendable, as women's virtue is to rape cock. This is the new Jewbred Warfare. Netanyahu is quite cocking off with his doomsday weapons of electronics. Someone will turn this around and when the bite gets too much for the less than a percentage point or world Jewry compared to the 2 billion Muslims at 25% of the world population, then Tel Aviv will cry out as it gets slapped back.

This is something the civilized world has refrained from in mass extermination. Tel Aiv and Keiv, both Jewish guilds are at the edge of this in advancing this hybrid warfare. Hezbollah got lazy and was decapitated. The front of Lebanon is now gone as a buffer as was Gaza. This is now a concern in Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad, Ankara and Turkey as they know as much as the Saudi an Yemeni that they are being tracked by electronic. The above front moves them to Moscow and Peking, as they experience this NATO warfare and assess what measures to deploy with the same uncivilized misbehavior. All of this moves the "go signal" of some proxy to appear with the atomic solution to even things out with a terror tactical series of strikes.

The Jews may be doing what looks like "winning" in Gaza and Lebanon, The Jew though has a population bomb which they are not breeding to a future while the Muslim is outbeeding them. Even with technology they will be overrun and removed as sure as 70 AD.. That gives Jews 20 years before their reign of terror is ended. Sooner when a proxy balances the terror as that is where this will move to.

The Muslim with a knife can trade 1000 dead for every dead Jew and the Muslim will still win. Netanyahu is deceived in the thinks this mass murder will bring back a Jewish messiah to make all things right. Tel Aviv has unleashed the demons of Pandora's Box from a river of death. This will be turned back upon all Jews and as the United States is being taken down by the Jewish pawn shop financiers, the Jews will run out of the 30 pieces and the free bombs to fight these wars.
Tel Aviv is driving for an Iranian War which America is supposed to fight for the Jews. One can project that Jew York City is expendable and will be blamed on Iran for another American entry like 9 11.

All of this is in motion now. The motion is due to the changing of the rules of war to target people in their homes with their children, meaning there are no rules to war anymore, but jungle brute force.

This Jewbred War on the hybrid model is what produces Russian Sarmat warheads wiping out entire American states as there is not any rules to war anymore, as they have all been erased.

This is all linked to the District of Criminals. Moscow and Peking and Pyongyarng will all deploy the same absolutes to win against an America where chivalry is dead.

Worse things are going to be unleashed.

Nuff Said
