Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Cash Cow


I did not get caught.................I got rich!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those of you still interested in the crimes of Governor Kristi Noem of Puppy Killer South Dakota and fortunately how a deep state operation in Butler PA convinced Donald Trump to not pick this treacherous rage aholoic woman, the following is an insight into how deep the corruption goes in the GOP.

So you can understand that what you are about to read is insider legitimate information, it was TL who came across this story and I have people from the blog and some relatives in this area, like most areas, so I can get an on the ground report which no one else can. In this case, why this matters is in your states, the same shit is taking place and you are being betrayed.

What you are about to read is quite detailed and will explain a bit why I was covering the Noem Kristinacht on Republican Conservatives in this area. I did not know why Noem was engaged in what she was doing in destroying Republicans, but you will soon find out.

In the primaries, Noem targeted viciously a woman named Vanessa Namkin. It made no sense, until you find out that Namkin was against a massive dairy operation being put into the Castlewood area. Castlewood is important as this is where Kristi Noem was raised on that infamous family farm

Goodwin-area Community Gathers to Discuss Proposed Large Dairy ...

Jun 6, 2024 ... Mayor Fieber mentions that he also owns a dairy in the area and has invited Vanessa Namken of Hazel, a recent candidate for District 4 South ...

Just north of Castlewood is another county called Grant, where Warren Buffett's railroad empire has rail lines and it runs though a town founded and named by robber baron Jeremiah Milbank, who with Borden made a fortune selling canned milk to Abe Lincoln's Union Troops. If you think that America is in depression, that is not the case in Milbank. There is more building going on there with out of state workers than in China. It makes zero sense in why Hedgefund money is pouring into that shithole, until you see the Masonic sign marking that county, and you see it in the cemeteries and you find out two decades ago California hog and dairy interests started building animal abuse warehouses in Grant County, taking over that county.
What Iowa was in clearing Mexicans into the Midwest, is what Grant County became, along with former Governor Mike Rounds (now senator with John Thune) both Bush and Romneycrats sold South Dakota out to California medical monopoly and the Chinese meat slaughter industry.

South of Grant County is where this thousands of cows dairy is going to be built by corporate dairy. I spoke to someone who worked at a dairy in Grant County and he said the cows were in shit up to their bellies, and it employed nothing but Mexicans who absue the animals.

This is what Kristi Noem's family just sold their family farm to for millions of dollars as Noem just got her cut of this hedge operation in Grant County, which is supplying most of the cheese you eat on your pizzas for all the other Wall Street dairy conglomerates. Yes you had no idea that this little shithole was taking over your eating habits and life.

So Noem sold out her own farm to get a cut into this and this cattle torture chamber is going to be shipping hundreds of thousands of gallons more milk to Mason Milbank in this monopoly which is picking off Republicans who are not fellow travelers.

From people there in Milbank, this dairy processing operation has taken over this town. Streets are being closed down and entire housing blocks are being destroyed. They could not figure out why in hell this complex kept expanding as it seemed to have taken all the milk being produced. The answer is that Noem ran this up to hundreds of thousands more gallons of milk  going through this area, with millions of gallons of water wasted and more Goddamn Mexican vermin being imported as that is what is going into the Noem dairy is 100 more slave labor Mexicans, who will rotate out when winter comes and those beaners will rotate into your communities along with the growing Latin mafia in their dope trade.

Just remember...........Noem's picture show on the Texas border. She is a fraud and you suckers who bought into this betrayed this blog and now the punch line in this is reaching the surface.

$86 million dairy proposed on land owned by governor's brothers

Oct 4, 2023 ... HAZEL — An $86 million, 12,500-cow dairy project is proposed on 250 acres currently owned by Gov. Kristi Noem's brothers in northeastern ...

Millions to be Invested in Rural South Dakota with New Dairy and ...

Apr 9, 2024 ... “South Dakota's economy is thriving thanks to continued growth for the ag industry and for our small businesses,” said Governor Kristi Noem.

You can not imagine the resources these cow torture chambers consume. Mexicans will be paid 100,000 dollars a year, managed by a few woke whitesters from California. Noem has been draining land and pushing irrigation, so all that cow shit will be flowing off the fields and into the rivers down to the New Orleans.

These operations out price local farmers from being able to rent land as they come in and drive up the rent and land prices, and the Mexicans move in and take over the used car sales and home sales, driving those prices up.

Someone from the area once showed me a picture of something which astounded me in how much feed these locust operations consume. It was a silage or cut corn pile for cow feed. On top of this thing was this little thing and I wondered what it was, until I figured out it was a packing tractor (packing ends spoilage in chopped feed). That tractor was bigger than most houses, and it looked like a toy on top of that multi store and city blocks wide feed pile.

 That grain is not going to feed you. It is going to dairy.............and as the Lame Cherry has preached at you, MEXICANS AND MUSLIMS DO NOT CONSUME DAIRY OR CHERRIOS.

The entire farm food chain is being obliterated and it is all globalist hedgefund driven and Donald Trump has signed off on this as there would not be an invasion if Noem, DeSantis and Abbot with these other frauds were not importing and building Mexican slave labor networks.

Watzke said the project would need the equivalent of over 10,000 acres’ worth of local hay and grain for feed, and manure from the dairy would be available for fertilizer on local fields, 

Once operational, Watzke said the project would provide 45 jobs each making between $50,000 and $90,000 per year. 

“We do actively recruit in the United States and Mexico,” she said.

Thee only thing that is going to stop this is a meltdown which ends production with a world war in bombs hitting America.  It does not matter if it was Kabala Harris or Donald Trump, it is the same hedgesters behind this erase and replace of Americans with these hand picked minions like Kristi Noem ending a Protestant Christian state.

You just remember when you read ZeroHedge, listen to FOX or cling to your podcast bots, that none of them just laid out the reality of how America is being destroyed and the way it is begin done to eliminate you. It really pisses me off in I endanger myself in the big players want me dead and I rely on God to keep me here working for him, to see the millions donated to politicians and other bullshit and the people who have money and are gleaning all of this information here are not donating like they could.

Kristi Noem sold out her own mother's farm. What the hell is it going to take to get through to people on the right and left to understand how these people will sell you out, because they are doing it to their own family.

Dairy cows standing in shit all day, their lives burned out in 3 years,
locked in metal neck bars, breathing insecticide by the minute which goes into your food.

The reason all these animal rights groups disappeared is because they served the corporate purpose in destroying family farms so the hedge conglomerates control the entire food supply.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
