Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Kamala takes on Hillary Clinton's Bitch Plate and Loses

First Class - Bitch Baby (1974) - YouTube

Bitch Baby BItch Baby, spread on the sand. ABC debates in September. Do you remember back in old LA when everybody drove a chevrolet? Whatever happened to the boy next door? The suntaned, crew cut, all american male? Remember

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a note on the Harris Trump Debate as I was listening to Rense and he was judging it without even have watched it in saying Trump looked old and threw the debate.

No Donald Trump had one mission and that was to look Presidential. Which he did. I really do not believe Kamala Harris gained any ground. Trump could have finished better with not linking Harris to Joe Biden, but as this blog stated:

You are facing an invasion. You have no money. The country is bankrupt. You have nuclear missiles pointed at your children. That is Kamala Harris' fault and you are going  to get double that in 4 more years of her anti American disaster.

Harris though alienated all the geezers in ending with, "I'm not Donald Trump or Joe Biden I'm the voice of a new generation". That kicks old people off the bus and it reminds guilty democrats that they euthanized Joe Biden in the coup and Harris pulled the plug. Harris has huge problems with the Gen vote. She did not gain anything with them 

At  times it was a nasty cat fight with WWE dead babies and invaders eating pets. All National Enquirer stuff which we all love and claim we will not read.

The point of this is, the message people will remember is ABC attacked Trump for Kamala Harris constantly, affirming how unfair Trump is treated. He gains the underdog status from a darkie vagina victim Kabala, which is interesting in he is the evil White Guy.

ABC is CIA. This was more erosion of Harris. She knocked nothing out on Trump. She looked like a washed up whore screaming from the alley at johns about their dirty cocks in this WWE stuff. It was a performance which the middle and guilty democrats will not like in their latte and cocktail parties. Donald Trump could not beat up a woman or he would have given sympathy to Kabala. Kabala took on the breast plate of Hillary Clinton in looking like a White Weight dirty bitch. No one likes the female version in colour throwing piss pot shit out her window at people on the street.

Kamala Harris gained nothing. She will continue to erode.

Donald Trump will continue to pull away as each day more people will conclude they do not want nuclear war, hate high prices robbing them and they are reminded of the darkie invasion which is Kamala Harris daily.

Ten key highlights from the Harris-Trump debate: From pet eating rant to assassination claims and 'biased' moderators | Daily Mail Online

Harris baited Trump with jabs at his economic policy and performance at his rallies. But Trump hit back on the Democrats' record over immigration and inflation, and compared
