Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Election Reset Will Come No Matter What


and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
came through, through the night that our Flag was still there.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What none of you can foresee in this which the Lame Cherry is about to explain is that whether 2024 AD in the year of our Lord is the last election America has, all of us are in a cycle which we will live to see the end of woke liberalism.

It is connected to what Keighlee Nelson who appeared on Rense stated that if Kamala Harris gets into the Oval Office, that Vladimir Putin will nuke the United States.

While everyone is so brain tard they only focus on the nukes. what the Lame Cherry has informed you for years is liberals live in the metro dictatorships. It is in Russia's interest, Chinese interests, North Korea and Iranian interests to vaporize the population concentration centers as that is the group voting in this globalist hegemony for their 30 pieces.

In short, nuclear war will be the great reset of the Electoral College.

Fifteen nuclear bombs, detonating in 15 metro areas of the dictatorships as New York City, Miami, Denver, Minneapolis etc.... for a generation trips the vote to Republican in eliminating 30 million liberal woke voters at least.

New York without New York City, votes Republican. Colorado without Denver votes Republican. You know the liberal centers in your states, and know the problem in those pinko zones of reds, and how they have overthrown Reagan Blue States.

When Russia or China removes, Los Angeles and San Francisco, California will be a Reagan Blue State again.

People always use the flame terror posts about last elections. That is bogus, because if 2024 or a future date establishes this vermin invader population which Jeff Rense keeps stating will be armed and take over cities.........NO THEY WILL NOT.........they will be allowed by the police state as with Obama ANTIFA to burn down insured parts of cities for profit, but you get this point from the Lame Cherry.

THE POINT IS, that just as now they are going to come after you with the ballot box. They are going to issue laws just like London did against settlers in Africa in stealing all their homes and property and booting White People out to where they came from. Once this vermin mob gets the majority vote they will vote to steal all you have and the police state will make it legal and deport you.

Like Kabala Harris, once this happens, people will refuse to support the regime antagonizing them, just as now, and the military will not have the people to fight wars, and the public will all develop amnesia when the FBI knocks as the police state will be dodging invaders, and as this happens, there will be the nuclear strikes which will eliminate the metro dictatorships but the police state concentrated there.

Nuclear bombs are going to be the great re alignment of the United States. That radioactivity like chemo therapy is going to erradicate the cancer of the left on Protestant Christians. The survivors will be a stronger race being pure bloods, much like the French Quebecois having no shoes, only a tunic on, and running around in deep Canada snows and thriving and not dying.

The alarmists always are horrifying people about the globalist reducing the population. The fact is my ancestor Charles Darwin was correct on Natural Selection. You get a people that is having to survive disease and being hunted down, and living in hot and cold, and you are going to get a superior race of humans which thrive inadversity. The millions that come out on the other side, being Protestant White Christians will be a species of humans which are superior to survive, and in that they will Govern themselves in God and Constitution, easily as these leftist dregs will all be dead or cowering to get a turd to munch on.

So you have heard it here first, and you can stop worrying about shit, stop clinging to money like it going to save you and stop thinking this is all some end. The best thing according to the order of species will be a Russian culling of the West of it's metro vermin. This will allow an armed race to appear without police state intimidation to install an order which the bunkerstate will not be able to intimidate nor suppress.

Yes you people with money owe me big time for letting the cat out of the bag in  telling you the projection and the positive outcome in all of this. All of the things which you have been told like salt and eggs were bad for you, really are good for you, and what you have been told was to be scared of, in nuclear bombs, war and meltdowns is the most welcome of cleansing for thee American People.

I'm right about this as I'm always right by God's Grace.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly and welcome are the radiocative glow on the sinners to liberate God's Chosen to live life in Him in Peace.

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown: Fanfare – Fire Poem & Fire (lyrics)

May 30, 2020 ... "Fanfare – Fire Poem" & "Fire" by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown From album "The Crazy World of Arthur Brown" (2010 Reissue) Written by ...

Nuff Said.
