Sunday, September 15, 2024

the worst demons of our nature


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The public mind throughout the interior is kept in a constant state of excitement by what are called "telegrams". They are short and spicy, and can easily be inserted in the country newspapers. In the city journals they can be contradicted the next day;  but the case is different throughout the country. Many of them are sheer falsehoods, and especially those concerning myself.

-President James Buchanan.

All of what we are experiencing began under Birther Obama in overloading the public with so much information to dull their ability to process information in detail. This degraded to Qanon to the set up and hunting down of Americans on Jan6 for these past years.

What appeared after the weak leadership of President Buchanan, weak in attempting to appease peace while the forces of chaos were sown, was a European and American moneyed interests Civil War. The Dictator Biden in an opposite bumbling role by design is the chaos, sown not as transition but coercive transformation, in a reflection of the coercion of Abraham Lincoln upon the South.

We are overloaded by design in these fraud elections. There is not going to be a prudent democrat in Andrew Johnson on the other side of what is being initiated.

Nuff Said
