Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Obama 4th Turning - Venezuelan terror


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are facing a reality and if you are in a metro dictatorship or one of the GOPliter infested human traffick dumps like South Dakota is in these invaders, when the regime sends out the "GO" word to start violence, this time it will be Venezuelans who are being enlisted and paid for the job in the election post primordial ooze for Kabala Harris and against Donald Trump.

Leaked Army Advisory Warns Of Invader
Gang Violence In Major Cities

VZ Emptied Its Prisons Of Gang Members & Sent Them
To Our US Borders - The Kamal, Obama & Biden Let
Them In And Now They're Raping & Killing Americans

In the reality of history, we had Obama's Black Liberation use the Black Panthers to steal the election from Hamrod Clinton and used Black Wilding to intimidate White voters. That fizzled as Blacks were not up for it. They then tried to use Muslims...........that fizzled too, so they went back to the Soros Buffett rent a mob of ANTIFA and BLM to burn down cities, which was a money spent, but the rent a mob fizzled out after 15 minutes and they were not willing to work for pay beyond that.

The new rape of American society now though is the Venezuelan Gangs who are rather motivated as long as the ATV's and other bling holds out to plunder. That is what is being induced into the Mexican mafia locations. I would add something interesting in we had two Chinese floor sitting women chattering loudly in the Thrift two weeks ago. The Mexicans shut up in their loud jabbering and moved off.  The Chinese scare the Mexicans and the Mexicans are acting more friendly to TL and myself again as they know something is coming.

That something is the Venezuelans as I spotted a very tall, light skinned with tats on display in the Thrift...........and the Mexicans vanished with this Venezuelan lords appearance with his rather pretty little wife. They are all over America and setting up shop.

This is where the violence will come from and like the Colombians the Venezuelans finish with lethality the shit they engage in.

Just your prelude to what is on the books as these gangs were imported, Maduro was given cover by his plane being hijacked and this is the new treat by the international socialists to see if this new violent mob has the stuff to terrorize Americans to submit to this WWE drama.

The rest of you should be safe as you were on the Obama Terror Summer, probably more as most of you are not rich non donors so the Venezuelans really are not that interested in wasting their time on sheared sheep.

Nuff Said

