Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The War for the Jewish Vote


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Donald Trump now promising to seek approval of ever member of Congress before the Jewish Knesset before they may serve, a war for the Jewish vote in this world has now erupted between Dictator Biden and future Dictator Donald Trump.

This time around, he's openly running on giving the Israel Lobby total power over our government and Miriam Adelson is pledging to give him $100 million allegedly in exchange for supporting Israel annexing the West Bank.

It is not enough that Joe Biden has more Ashkenaz in his regime, than all administrations combined and has provided more bombs to Jews than all leaders in world history from Ukraine to Gaza, Dictator Biden has pulled out the Trump Card in carrying a banner at a Pedophile Pride event all of the accomplishments of his Jewish administration.

This is something to be rightly championing as an accomplishment, consider that Jesus Person and His followers have been standing in the way of this agenda for centuries.

Biden has announced privately that he has gone to the nuclear option to defeat his nemesis Donald Trump and restore the Jewish order to the democratic side. In this, the Dictator flew Ivanka Kushner to the White House with her family, and has them all staying in the Lincoln Bedroom until after the election. Biden has promised to nominate Ivanka as Vice President, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, Prime Minister of Israel and an office of Director of Jewland Security. where everyone who does not worship Jews will be thrown into prison to rot.

Ivanka will be known as, The Daughter who was formerly known as and is now known as Ivanka Biden Kushner.

This stunning development has put Big Mike Obama back on the plantation in the coup against Joe Biden as this will be the decisive platform to insure that Joe Biden is installed as dictator again.

Nuff Said

