Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Protective Custody of Tom Crooks


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was sitting discussing things with TL on our first anniversary, over breakfast, in the wide array of things which we discuss, when the focus came around to Thomas Crooks, the Butler "assassin".

What the Lame Cherry is going to provide you with here is a White Paper, a threat assessment conclusion, exactly as would be formulated by the FSB for President Vladimir Putin or any other regime where someone on the outside is trying to figure out what really is taking place.

We have this scenario as we are not gaining information from the FBI, there are odd things happening in washed off roof evidence, burned up bodies and original talking points of shrapnel in Trump's ear.

I do not want to write too much filler to clutter your brains up with the conclusion, but will attempt in synopsis to lay out a simple Point A to Point Z, so this will make sense in what the Holy Ghost provided for a conclusion today in things which did not make sense.

What does not make sense is the reaction by the Crooks parents. They are cooperating with the FBI and  the DOJ is leaving them alone which is unheard of as it was this father's gun at the scene. His answering with he had to "take a pee", from an educated professional smacks of an FU to the media in knowing he is protected.

I'm going to now take you to a fast track on July 13th in if you were Walter Cronkite there in seeing things which we  have evidence of the fill in being what was taking place.

I believe that Thomas Crooks had a direct support in Maxwell Yearick. They both were at the shooting range together. My conclusion is the phone that kept tracking to DC Chinatown with the FBI, and looks like it might have pinged at Delaware for Biden and Masschusetts for Bobby Kennedy as there were 3 locations marked on the east coast, had Obama ANTIFA Yearick scouting locations for disruption events.

Crooks and Yearick both arrived at the scene, having pre scouted and pre positioned the Crooks rifle on the roof. They were dressed the same to confuse law enforcement in having both long hair, cargo pants and appearing and disappearing as they moved in and out to confuse the police.

We know there were two Crooks as the police reported Crooks at 4:27 pm by the glass works and Crooks was seen walking a half mile away at  4:26 pm on Vendor row.

I believe there has been a great deal of AI manipulation of evidence the public has been shown. What though I believe transpired was it was decided that Tom Crooks and Max Yearick were both to be on that roof. Crooks would do the firing. Yearick would be further over in the center of the building, as a spotter.

From a SWAT count of casings, there were first 5 casings on that roof and then 8 appeared in the count. I do not believe Crooks fired the fist 3 shots in Trump's direction. I do believe he fired over the crowd with 5 shots, was fired upon by PA SWAT and recoiled down.

Crooks view point would be, "Trump was already down, so it confused him, but he carried through with trying to stampede the crowd". After Crooks fires, Yearick pops his head up, and this is the head shot the Secret Service South Team made.

Crooks has been shot at. This was not supposed to happen. He now sees his associates head blown off. He knows something is wrong and drops his rifle which appears about 20 feet from Yearick's position and he crawls and then runs like a raped ape for the AC exit where they climbed on the building, a location no one would be looking at.

K9 units appear and sniff the scent of Yearick who is dead. They track back across the greens to a white van with Arizona plates which is Yearicks, which has devices in it, and it is hauled away in the night. It all disappears, including Yearick's body which is cremated. A canine is not going to make mistake in tracking Crooks scent to Yearick's van. The canine should have tracked to Crooks car. Therefore it was Yearick who was dead on that roof, and why the FBI was hosing off evidence and shut this all down.

This was supposed to be an election disuption for Trump where his supporters were stampeded and trampled each other as on Jan6 in Roseanne Boyland. Just though as with Lee Oswald being a government asset, the people who set this thing up to taint the FBI, CIA and everyone else, including Secret Service, began weaving in a Chinese shooter who the New York Post stated was dead on the roof, but was made to change the story. Max Yearick was fingered after canine found his van by scent trail. that story was shut down too as Crooks was fingered due to the rifle, after SWAT took his fingerprints and we have never heard what that search revealed, most like Yearick who had an arrest record.

So Tom Crooks who has a woman according to the British press, yelling at him by name to get off the roof, runs off the roof, and is intercepted by this woman, the probable 3rd phone, another FBI asset, who removes him from the scene.

Yearick being dead is later tracked back to a Mesa Arizona company which deals in selling CIA explosives to guerrillas in Peru and Colombia. Yearick was just returned from being in Ukraine.

It would make sense why all these grey suits, FBI, ATF and whatever else was at this location on Butler as this duo tracks back into this agency network, and all they were there for was disruption, but someone else added Dallas 63 plans to tie this to the police state manipulators.

We now return to the Crooks parents who act like their son is not dead, did not do anything wrong and are being protected by the FBI. The mother is connected by siblings to the NSA and military intelligence in the computer hacking field.

What if a scenario initiated in this of, "Trump is the greatest threat to democracy (Biden Cheney talking points) and Tom Crooks is involved to save America in a disruption event as Obama burning down America saved us from Trump in 2020."

The report came out the father called the police about his missing son as he knew there were bad people involved, but local police have no record. The father called the FBI as that is who his son was associated with or perhaps ATF as they appeared on scene.

So the very bad events happened at Butler and the father and mother are told by FBI, "Your son is not dead. Things went wrong as some very bad people were there shooting at him, but his associate was killed accidentally. We have your son in protective custody. It is best that the world thinks that your son is dead to protect him and yourselves as you are still in danger."

The above would fit the forensic psychology of the parent's non emotional reaction, the FBI protecting the family which is cooperating, and the FBI, CIA, ATF and whoever else engaging in a cover up, as like Dallas 63 someone  tied a can to this operation's tail and if the public knew what the original operation was, they would not be pleased and as really bad things happened like in Dallas, they are trying to bury this and leave it behind as Congress is under orders to make a Warren Report.

I do not know if Tom Crooks is alive, but Representative Eli Crane on the shooter roof made what sounded like a contemptuous and not legal statement about the "supposed shooter". That remark indicates that Mr. Crane and his group do not believe the false leads being fed to them or the public. That indicates that he thinks maybe the water tower was the location and some how an Obama ANTIFA groupie ends up with a bullet in his head on a roof with a rifle laying 20 feet away, meaning Yearick was unarmed and shot by the Secret Service.

The Lame Cherry honestly believes in the evidence and the threat to connect all of this to make sense in why people are acting like they are, why the alphabets are delaying and covering things up to save themselves.

Someone brought in a Chinese sniper who got killed. Mosaad and Dan Bongino keep pointing at Iran to take the world war heat off of China to twist this to their bias. What was to be a simple and horrid trampling of people in Butler to smear Trump again to ruin him, was overlaid with additional shooters who tried to JFK DJT. That is why that high speed photo of the bullet past Trump was taken on a setting which should not have been taken. The public was supposed to see a big red JFK brain blob at that instant and CNN was to be the Zapruder film as all other phones were corrupted as much of them have been by FBI examination and AI, from mysterious blue security lights, trees moving, missing blood trails, divided blood trails, deluge blood trails and bodies moving around on the roof.

This would be the working white paper of a situation room meeting on what Butler was based on what has been released which can not be altered.

To not clutter your minds more, I will leave this as another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I believe you just read something which is allot closer to what you will be told in some book years from now as what is being told the public is not correct.

Nuff Said
