Sunday, September 22, 2024

Kamala Has Her War

FODDER, it's a Jewish word for Dead Black  Jewish Soldiers.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hal Turner is reporting that Russia has begun responding inside Ukraine in striking numbers of targets, including the secret NATO command headquarters there with all dead.

On the other shoe dropping, Hezbollah has had enough of Tel Aviv dropping super bombs on Lebanon and has responded with ballistic missiles with effect. This has given Netanyahu his Babylon New Year War in he has issued the emergency directive to call up all the war reserves.

The first war to attempt to defeat Donald Trump in September first before November in this JuCru war for Kamala Harris has begun. I doubt the Vice President will sit down for any interviews as she is too busy to speak to the public.

The war has started. I think I recall some popular girl mentioned something about this end of September date in the Red Heifer chronicles a few months back on Babylon Talmud New Year.

Nuff Said

