Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Top of the World


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As "someone" apparently had the ability to fry my video card on the laptop which I post things on this blog, the files there are in jeopardy, and these posts are the record of all of the work on the Trump assassination attempt.

As I was able to post from an unlimited wifi source today, I was looking Gaytube and there have not been any new posts on any information on this Butler Case, and the last was weeks ago  by the Rep. Eli Crane committee investigating what took place.

In hearings, Mr. Crane posted again his video on the roof top and this allowed me to review his pan on the water tower or east side of the building. Oh SNAP the page just closed.....of course that is just coincidence too.

The view is the water tower or east side, where this blog has noted in several videos posted with odd roof tops appearing and the infamous BLUE SECURITY LIGHT which I can not locate on ground videos police posted. In the Crane pan of this angle, there are not any odd roof angles, no two story buildings and there is not a security light which would be visible from Crooks position.

Here are released photos of Crooks with that odd roof line and that infamous blue security light.

The light with the cops is visible on the front cops left knee.

Here is the photo of the east front of the building. and there is not a security light.

That light keeps moving, the frontal over hang keeps moving. Crooks body appears to keep moving. Yet when we compare to Rep. Crane's video pan, you do not see any over hang and do not see any security light.

The Craven video is a trusted base structure, because the FBI has not had it's hands on it, like the frontal shot of the building which confirms what Mr. Crane is panning.

This is just one more key bit of evidence which is confirmed and exposes AI generation in these FBI corrupted files.

Nuff Said

  1. A great track from Rocky Burnette's 1980 LP 'The Son Of Rock & Roll' which spawned a pair of hits downunder 'Tired of Toeing The Line' and 'Falling In Love' ...
