Saturday, September 14, 2024

when Kabala comes marching home again hurrah hurrah


Kh-47M2 Kinzhal - Wikipedia

'Dagger'; NATO reporting name: AS-24 Killjoy) is a Russian hypersonic air-launched ballistic missile. ... It has an estimated range of 460–480 km (290–300 mi) and ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is not intending to alarm you about the war to install Kamala Harris, but it has taken the step to a direct war with Russia and America.

It does not matter in the nuance as Anthony Blinken and Lord Austin have blinked in not allowing American F 16's to fire long range missiles into Moscow where President Putin and all the Russian laedership reside, but have nuanced this with French and British Storm Shadow missiles on old MIG platforms as Lord Austin, ponders long range JDAMS from America on these same MIG's.

The Russians are having none of this bullshit and have stated that these missiles can only be programmed by NATO or the United States and only can be managed by American satellites. These are Americans attacking Russia and Russia has stated that a state of war will exist once Moscow is struck.

Russia Formally Notifies UN That If US, UK Approve
Western Weapons Strikes Deep Into Russia - A Full
State Of War Will Exist

Families Of Russian Diplomat HAVE LEFT The US

The Lame Cherry, to refresh your memories, happened upon in deleting files a Russian missile strike which you can view below as it is short in length. You need to begin linking this kind of detonation from a conventional missile from Russia, which is on their submarines, naval ships, ground and air force platforms, in what this will do to locations like the FBI building, CIA building, Pentagon, in every coastal region, including what is most of Europe.

The Kremlin can legitimately target every Western capital when it is struck. It already has that right in the Kiev  terror attacks in drones and wetware.  At this juncture, the Lame Cherry projects it would not be in Moscow's interest to kill large numbers of American soldiers or citizens, as it would rally support against them. Other targets though as mentioned which prop up the regime state would be deemed priority as the simple point is, if the western police state is subdued, then foreign assets embedded can carry out attacks and those repressed citizens in the West, (the Jan6ers who have been persecuted) would not have an FBI to intimidate them.

There is not any advocacy in this, this is order of battle in soft targets, not civilian targets. This is what the Russian FSB would project, in then the Biden regime would have to call out the National Guard and real military, which would soon be abusing the public at road blocks in beating them, raping them, robbing them and murdering them, which again would set the public against the regime which is what the Kremlin and the Forbidden City would have as an order of battle.

In discussions today, it was concluded that Russia would not hit oil, electricity or anything to enrage the public. They do not want the public to be upset and manipulated into patriotism. There are though additional targets such as Boeing which would be a priority as they are a war production and the majority of the public is not going to be affected if the federal agencies or a war conglomerate are hit, because they are not employed there or have a paycheck from there.

Meet you on the others side of this sobering video.

When the above type of weapon would be used to paint a location, the reason is for effect, shock and awe, to send a message to the public, without hurting the public. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, all have assets in the West and it may be a matter that some high profile targets in wetware may be picked off at 3 AM with less dynamic shock and boom. Without naming Gay Ear names, the effect of surgical picking off of adversaries who have called for the assassination of Vladimir Putin, appearing on a FOX and CNN news alert in a smoking crater would be an effect of the public would not care as it would not affect them, and as the FOX propaganda by Levin and Hannity did not sway the Right in America to snake slurping Nazi dick,  the psychological reaction by Americans would probably trend, "Maybe if we were not fucking around over there, we would not have craters in the District of Crooks".

In assessing this, the Lame Cherry is very interested in the Forensic Psychology of all parties in the Eurasian Bloc in what they will really engage in, as that is the only true measure and will reveal a more sound projection.

Russia is in a walking the edge position by Kamala Install as they would rather wait for Trump peace, then be dragged into a world war. They will try and hold out for 7 weeks and that is what these actions mean of recalling the families out of America, back to Russia. It is a reminder that US flights out or in are not going to be operational if this gets started. As this blog has been assessing HAARP, it appears the Chinese have been attempting with weather heat to dry out the soybean crop so it can be shipped to China before November, meaning little shipping on the oceans as someone is preparing to get their Juland Soros 30 pieces of silver for American soybeans before a war might begin, which appears a great deal more certain if you look at this HAARP process taking place.

We are coming to that end September window of war into the first week for the Kamala installation world war which has been planned. The cartel tried to bait Iran in for an August war, but Putin diffused that war.  We will see if Russia can hold out to after November elections for Trump. If the Eurasians do not have Trump to hold the line, they will not hold the line and this will escalate rapidly to world war.

The Lame Cherry desires though to caution you in not submitting to fear porn. I have no idea what Russia or China would hit, except in logical projection noted above, but if you are not employed to put tampons up at the CIA or cut their lawn, or are Lindsey Gay Ear Graham's neighbor, most of you not in a war job, are most likely safe from the kind of strikes or targeting as you are no more than gophers and Russia knows that. Russia will strike for effect, not for blowing up Niggers in Miami. It would most likely be coastal in all Western regimes, but I could see a Doolittle strike as America did to Tokyo, to just prove that the interior could be hit too. In that case, blowing up Ottawa with a submarine launch would strike at London, cause concern in America and amusement, and a Russian submarine would probably get out of Hudson's Bay before being caught.

So this is not to worry you, but to make you aware of the reality that these wag the dog dick for Kabala is proceeding and in the retaliations if they come, the Eurasians will not be targeting you as they need your angry at Washington DC, not at Moscow, as this is about manifesting the public against their war machine regimes.

Kamala Harris is the Whore of War. The public can do nothing about it, but pray for this not escalating for the next 7 weeks.

Below is a map of the 200 mile strike range of Khinzal missiles if a platform was 100 miles of the coast. In examining this in a late phase escalation of this War IV, Russia will Arctic and Hudson Bay deployments could in first strike and neutralization shoot downs, deal with the silo missiles thought to be at the center of North America and safe. The Hudson Bay Paradigm changes a great deal in this.

The entire point is, TO NOT START A WAR WITH RUSSIA.

Nuff Said

"When Kamala Comes Marching Home" - World War IV Song

Apr 19, 2023 ... Subscribe to the Channel: ... Again", is a popular song from World War IV that expressed ...

