Saturday, September 14, 2024

Biden and Trump's Legacy Is Written In Each Other

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will keep this simple as our Dictators in Joe Biden and Donald Trump have a great deal of information to deal with. The Lame Cherry though is always looking to help and in this, based upon the remarkably positive interaction which Joe Biden had in putting on the Trump hat at a fireman union gathering, it shows that Joe Biden is Delaware Independent and capable of being his pleasant self and showing that Trump voters are not pariahs, who will laugh with him and enjoy him.

Joe Biden is now faced with the one thing all leaders fixate on, and that is LEGACY. How history will show Joe Biden is what he is focused upon, and Joe Biden needs to break out of being Obama's 4th term.

Joe Biden was installed into office in election rigging. Obama stole two elections in swapping out 10 million votes. Biden had it done by mail fraud.

His term began with Jan6 upheaval and has been marred by hunting down of Americans. For the Biden legacy, the last thing he needs are more Obama folk burning down America over this coming election and installation as Kabala Harris is not anyone who Americans will vote for nor support.

So the Lame Cherry has this advice for Joe Biden and his family. Hunter Biden and the Bidens are in need of the good graces of Donald Trump, and that begins with a peaceful transition of power. Joe Biden needs to reach out to Mr. Trump and coordinate local county by county keeping the peace, no matter who is the chosen one.

The great step in this is Joe Biden should pardon all Jan6ers, left and right, and say that we are putting this all behind us. This will save Donald Trump from having to do it, will have people on the right willing to listen to and support Joe Biden in his legacy quest, and this will allow Donald Trump to pardon Hunter Biden and shut down the DOJ in going after the other Biden family crimes.

This is politics and Joe Biden has shown he is capable of being a politician who can deal with Trump voters and they will embrace him. Joe Biden can have a legacy of stability, unity and peaceful transition. He will not have to cuddle with Big Mike Obama the way that sycophant George W. Bush did. Joe Biden can be a man's man and set the stage as Stephen Douglas and other Democrats did in the Blair family in supporting Abraham Lincoln, even though they did not agree with his policies. Robert Kennedy has bravely led the Democrats and Joe Biden should join RFK II in this support of Donald Trump, for the stability of America.

Joe Biden got roped into cleaning up Obama's queer mess and then had Hillary Clinton pissing in the pot as Big Mike was maneuvering for 2028 AD in the year of our Lord. He is a Delaware man with Pennsylvania Irish roots. He is is own man and that surfaced in trying on the Trump hat in the kind of politics that Americans love.

Joe Biden needs to step out now in he has survived these Obama Harris coups against him, and set the mark for his legacy and that means not carrying Obama's slop pales anymore, but finding something for his benefit which Donald Trump can quickly build upon to stabilize America and the world.

Joe Biden is looking at probably 12 years of Donald Trump and JD Vance. He will most likely not be alive in those years, but his legacy will be growing if he attaches it to being the stabilizing force which assisted in the transition of goverance and leadership to Donald Trump and JD Vance. Joe Biden can have a legacy which will be one of economic growth, the US not funding wars and at peace, and a people who are not tearing at each other,  because they will say, "Hey remember Joe Biden, started this when he good naturedly put on that Trump hat".

This starts with pardoning the Jan6ers and ending the witch hunt as Joe Biden's legacy is not going to be written in the left, but the right. The left in Obama Inc, Pelosi and Kabala Harris are going to tear him down just as Bush41 tore that other Irishman Ronald Reagan down to prop up their failures and to promote themselves. It will be the people on the right saying good things about Joe Biden in where his legacy will be written in sympathy and compassion.

It is my hope that agreement can be made between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, to be the men they are and end the Obama Bush turmoil they both were hampered by, and in this critical hour, begin the process of real actions for their legacies.

Biden wears Trump hat as 9/11 unity gesture, says White House - BBC

2 days ago ... President Joe Biden briefly wore a red Trump campaign hat at an event commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

The left is so damned deranged that they had to spin Joe Biden in wearing a Trump hat instead of just accepting it as Joe Biden showing his Delaware side. That same press will dump on Biden when he is gone for the Designer Negro saga and the legacy as the Lame Cherry has said will be written in the American fringe right wing media.

That smile on Joe Biden's face with Republicans is the fist time I think that man has had any fun in the past 20 years. I want Joe Biden to have his own legacy, not an Obama or Clinton legacy or being erased by the globalist press.

He can do that by engaging in the above.

Nuff Said
