Saturday, October 12, 2024

A Journalist with 1 Million Real Views


I'm not here to answer questions. I'm only here to lie.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Grayzone is one of the few platforms where there are real journalists without a single edged axe to grind against one political side or the other. In the exchange below, the US State Department will not answer the question of why the District of Crooks is supporting genocide and keeps tyring to start a nuclear war with nuclear powers in Russia and Iran for two Tel Aviv and Kiev factions.

It is refreshing that the 5th Estate has appeared in the twilight's last gleaming, so that GENS can actually witness one of their own not only thinking, but doing the job this dinosaur media controlled by the CIA, MI6 and Mosaad  will not do in asking moral questions.

Nuff Said
