Saturday, October 12, 2024

An Order of Battle - Polish Rook

I do not have to occupy the board, only remove the pieces.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We now know in a prelude that Tel Aviv has enough computer firepower to disrupt the entire Iranian peaceful civilian infrastructure or tamper with US elections in a bot army for Obama in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, terrorizing Americans, that there is a forming an order of battle against Russia.

This part is important as for some reason, the regime in Poland and the Baltics seem to have overlooked the devastation Iran unleashed in a response on Tel Aviv in wiping out the Jewish military..........Russia is more precise, has more powerful and stockpiles of weapons, so Poland thinks it can bomb St. Petersburg is deluded in thinking they will be a NATO force after Russia neutralizes that nation.

Meet you on the other side.

Putin’s Deadly Ultimatum Sends Chills Through NATO
Lavrov Warns One Move Will Spark War If NATO Gives
Ziolensky Permission To Strike Deep Into Russia - Putin
Says Countries Who Provide Weapons (US) Will Be Targeted

Outgoing Russian Amb Warns US Will Face Head-On
Collision With A ’Nuclear Power’ If It Lets Ukes Fire Long
Range Missiles Into Russia

Nobel Prize Is A Warning To A World On
The Nuclear Brink

'If Russia Attacks, Poland And The Baltics Will
Attack St. Petersburg'

Russia for political reasons in response to being struck by American and British arms, will strike American bases in Germany and England, and strike NATO in Brussels and other small nations ot get the people in the streets protesting for peace.

Russia is large, and will be waiting then for the idiots of the old Polish Empire to hit St. Pete, as it can stop those missiles. It will then have NATO retaliation and be able to neutralize the Polish Empire. Russia will eliminate this group as a military threat with hypersonic missiles.

The yellow trace is what will be NATO no more.

Russia will repeat what Obama did in the human invasion of the west by the 3rd world by weaponizing people or refugees. Winter is coming, hit the power plants, cut fuel and millions will flow from the Pole Empire into Germany and other areas and be a disaster for those economically stressed woke nations. You can not fight Russia with Poles eating your country.

This only amplifies as the other Jews in Tel Aviv are going to stretch the United States resources to the negating point. America does not have enough worthless technology and woke vaxed to deal with this kind of situation as the Carolinas did not have transformers as Biden sent them all to Kiev and China make the replacements so that is the reality of this woke war against the West and Russia.

Providing that this does not get to nuclear domino, this Kamala War would be of benefit for when Mr. Trump is installed, as the world would be wanting peace, and in that peace Russia would work with Mr. Trump and the German Board would get their control of most of Europe and things would settle down.

The Germans might even get the 3rd Temple built after Tel Aviv screws up the Mideast in a bigger disaster which is a good thing for those looking for Jesus to return.

Nuff Said
