Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Taste for Holocaust

Dan and Farris got a taste of billionaire life back in January when they bought the iconic N Bar Ranch in Montana from fellow Forbes 400 member Tom Siebel. The property was listed at $45 million. The purchase seems fitting for a pair that according to Staci Wilks of Wilks Brothers, LLC are still west Texas "farm boys" at heart and spend their spare time hunting and fly fishing. According to Staci Wilks, the brothers also maintain extensive land holdings in Texas, Kansas, Idaho and Montana, real estate that is currently used for farming, ranching, and wildlife management.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are over a billion Muslims in this world. There is the fact of nuclear Islam. The United States has a growing population of Muslims which are swinging states such as Michigan. The reason for noting this is you will hear below at UCLA, Ben Shapiro, lauding and celebrating the wholesale murder and rape of women and children, as occupiers of Arab Muslim sovereign lands, as not protectors but engaging in the same scorched earth and ethnic cleansing which we have been told was evil under the Nazi in "NEVER AGAIN".

As a Protestant Christian, Jesus taught us to LOVE OUR ENEMIES and TO DO GOOD TO THOSE WHO HATE YOU. The refrain in the Old Testament was to remind the Hebrews, which modern Jewry are not, to remember that they were strangers once in foreign lands, and to be generous and kind to others.

For the record there are Christian Philistines who have been murdered in Gaza. For the record there is not one wit of difference between Muslims and Jews in denying Christ, except Muslims call Jesus a respected teacher while Jews call Him a bastard and the Virgin Mary a whore.

Jesus taught to bring the little children to Him, not to slaughter them in the tens of thousands. This is not the Canaanites in removing peoples who could not be Spiritually redeemed.  That era has ended. The Philistines are a Semite People, and through Shem related to Christ, while the Ashenez are the Japheth line in another son of Noah.

Meet you on the other side.

What the United States has been hijacked as a tribe of Joseph in a Christian People redeemed by Christ with the blood of Israeal and Rachel running through our veins is holocaust, genocide and pure evil. The United States has never been involved in this vile foreign policy of cleansing of lands until the Kaganite and Neocons took over the Government.
There is nothing American nor Conservative in any of this. Ben Shapiro and that disturbing mob at UCLA cheering the mass murder of babies is not of any virtue.

This though is the inside wire. That is why Shapiros rag is not shut down for hate crimes or targeted by the DOJ. The source of Shapiro were these Wilks brothers in Texas funding this which is the antitheis of everything Christian or American.

The Daily Wire - Wikipedia

The Daily Wire is an American conservative media company founded in 2015 by political commentator Ben Shapiro and film director Jeremy Boreing.

Texas fracking billionaire brothers fuel rightwing media with millions ...

Sep 5, 2023 ... Farris and Dan Wilks' deep pockets fund climate denialism education, conservative politicians and pro-fossil fuel projects.

These crimes against humanity are going  to come back and make America bleed and be shattered as a nation. The United States is literally facing the worst reckoning since slavery to answer to God for. There is no difference in Lincoln's time in his vain attempts to end slavery by convincing the public to buy the slaves instead of making war on the South or convincing the free Negro to help resettle Blacks into other nations with American funding. The nation would not hear of it, no more than the United States now is allowed to speak out to demand the stop of genocide and holocaust in the Name of Jesus the Christ and His United States.

Condoning mass rape and mass murder and the funding of the platforms which empower it. That is more than Christ' White Throne Judgement to answer to for these people. This is one of many national sins, like slavery which the United States is going to answer for, as the Muslim blood calls out in the sand as much as Abel's blood called out against Cain.

The Lame Cherry condemns these crimes against humanity, here before God, not advocating any actions as that would bring the police state upon the condemnation,but I do this to lay a record before my Master, the Christ, that He will perhaps hide me and the Faithful donors to this blog in the vintage about to be trampled out, where the grapes of wrath are stored.

Under Jared Kushner, America had the Abraham Accords, which Tel Aviv has shattered. Those Accords were the correct diplomacy for the United States, not this mass murder as it is anti Christian and anti American.

Those who cheered Ben Shapiro will one day be in a world where people are cheering piles of dead Americans in lauding that.

Netanyahu's main goal is to make Israelis believe they are under siege or at war. This is how he wants to control them and stay in power himself. The Israeli prime minister has long feared losing his power because he would then have to spend several years behind bars. In 2019, he was charged with three different cases : fraud, corruption and breach of trust. If found guilty, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

These Ziongelicals have brought the end of America in worshiping not the Son of God, but the idol worship of the sons of Bulan. These boys need to repent as I can't get a donation in God's work here, but satan gets millions in the 30 pieces.

Nuff Said

