Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Luck had nothing to do with it

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was thinking about how we have all been lied to in what history was. We have been lied to about how and why we were forced into wars, all under the guise of patriotism and freedom.

I was thinking about how there is not any doubt that Adolf Hitler did not die in a bunker in Germany,  but how his finance minister, Martin Borrman worked a deal for German gold, uranium, technology to safely smuggle the Hitlers out of Germany and a remarkable group of the Nazi leadership.

Others were left in place in Germany. Other were smuggled by the American OSS into America to guide American intelligence and industry, all be design as the Soviets got their share of equalization of people and technology.

This is about something though on that build up of another event which was covered up. It had to do with SS Heinrich Himmler, being left in Germany and being ostracized for working on a peace deal of his own, the same which Martin Bormann undertook.

What I desire to touch on again is something this Lame Cherry examined in there were several Hitlers. I would read a sequence of events in one day Hitler would be an almost dead shaking shell of a man  and then he would appear vibrant the next day. Two Hitlers.

What I'm driving at is something which has been covered up. Do you think with the network that Heinrich Himmler maintained with electronic taps on communications, that the attempt on Hitler's life somehow slipped through, when we know there were people in the know in this, known to German intelligence.

As that is the case, do you think that Heinrich Himmler let Adolf Hitler walk into a bunker meeting where a bomb was going to be placed? No, that crippled Hitler who kept appearing after that was the look alike sent into that meeting who emerged after the bomb was slid behind a table leg, and the Hitler look alike appeared with smoking hair.

We know that Admiral Raeder was in on the Bormann Deal for Germany and that deal was protected by the United States OSS.  So with all of this going on, do you think for a moment that Heinrich Himmler was not aware of that deal, that Nazi were being flown out of Germany to Argentina, and that with all the resources which Himmler had that he somehow could not have gotten out of Germany if he wanted to? But he stayed and was captured? Why? Because he was part of that high ranking Nazi group to divert attention from the reality that Adolf Hitler had escaped.

There is a very heinou reality about Heinrich Himmler and it was  not Himmler who was heinous. The history records that Himmler died of a cyanide self poisoning, but in reality what took place was Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery who had control of Himmler in the British sector had Himmler beat to death. The autopsy proved that.

Ask yourself what I have been pondering, "Why in the hell would Bernard Montgomery have Himmler beat to death?" For the concentration camps? Why? If Montgomery had gotten caught he would have been a disgrace and robbed the world of moral superiority of their cause compared to Germany. It simply was not logical and Montie was never a man who took chances. He blundered into a victory over Rommel in Germany and never fought again. He hid behind American, General Patton who did all the fighting.

So why beat a man to death in your custody?

What the Lame Cherry without satire as this is serious places before you is the solution to all of this, is that British G2 under Montgomery had discovered that Adolf Hitler was not dead. They were aware these other Nazis were in a pipeline flowing out of Germany and into South America. They knew that the United States was getting the lion's share of Nazi German experts. The British had access to one major asset left. The SS Reichsfeuher of intelligence, Heinrich Himmler. If there was one man who knew where the hell Adolf Hitler was it was Himmler, andwith that knowledge Winston Churchill was going to blackmail is way back to the Frank Roosevelt and Joe Stalin table.

Himmler was taken and "questioned". As typical of the British,  they worked Himmler over, not with German proficiency to get information, but instead went overboard and beat Himmler to death. It is not like they could summon physicians and have them save a beat up Himmler as doctors would know what took place. Heinrich Himmler did his last service to the Reich, he took the secret of Adolf Hitler with him, and doomed London to the 50 year long haul to steal all the billions in lend lease they sent to America to buy weapons and American lives for these Normans who are now directing the next world war out of Ukraine.

Makes sense now doesn't it? Montgomery beat Himmler to death to try and find Hitler, but Himmler would not break. The beating was covered up with the story that Himmler took a cyanide capsul to commit suicide.The world was deprived of Justice and Heinrich Himmler has never been afforded the glory of standing by the 3rd Reich. He almost blew it in his own peace proposals and piqued Bormann's ire in almost exposing the real peace trade with the United States. It is a history though which belongs in the known column.

It is the history of Heinrich Himmler, the man the British could not break.

Nuff Said
