Friday, October 25, 2024

A Word


No Jazmaal, Obama eliminated your kind for the working Mexicans,
while little Ping Lu back there is only allowed in as long as she puts money
into the stock market while the white children are reserved for
molestation by P Did and Tampon Tim

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I tuned in recently to a net cast by Hal Turner and while testing the feed came across Alex Jones and that utter dimwit Steve Quayle and "others". There seem to be allot of people who have allot to say on net radio and someone must be funding them as most of it is not cheap.

Most of my online listening is Rense for background chatter. He has some geninuely good guests who are pleasant to listen to to pick up the conversation of what is going on out there. I have not listened to the Tel Aviv porn stars in Levin and Hannity for years, long before they went holocaust and genocide.

My point in this is, Rense often uses the phrase "the most intelligent audience" out there for his listeners. As Erica is doing something in not appearing 3 hours a week , he had to open up to callers and 80% were the most stupid people on the planet. Rense finally had one guy who could talk and he let him talk so he did not have to deal with the no wits. It gets rather frown factor when he just answers about Erica having whatever problems, and a new no wit asks how Erica is doing.

In stating that, Rense has a huge margin of intelligence compared to Alex Jones. His callers are so stupid that his hosts do not even comment on them. Steve Quayle is so stupid in the odd things he comes out with in dead babies in trees, that no one with a brain listens to that doomer. Hal Turner, he had one normal caller, so Turner runs 90% dolts. Quayle runs 100% morons and Jones .......well that is 100% low IQ too. That does not say a great deal about the fringe out there in what kind of boobs are on the right and left, with the couch sitters.

Now about you, the Lame Cherry family. Yes I had to make fools of the fools on here who try to come in and beat up on a girl. They learn and wander off and go psycho elsewhere where the FBI puts them onto their list on the shake and bake.

I have a dying group though. Most people do not read nor care to read nor have the ability to comprehend the written word. As a scribe, I find the word a blessed medium in how it can be moulded like a beautiful clay to form so many things, from harshness to softness. If I was doing this in the 1850's when Abraham Lincoln loved reading satire, I would be more famous and richer than Mark Twain. That is not the reality, nor the people that God has me communicating with. I take this serious in shepherding my children and brats. I mean not to lose one of you to your stupidity or to events. I;m going to mother you to Jesus and that is my focus in keeping you out of the target zone.

It is like this new Elon Musk peitition with William Gheen. TL was telling me over  a year ago about these stupid lists people put their names to and are active for the police state. The last thing in what we experienced in Jan6 is to put our names onto lists with crazy people, so Homeland and the FBI are data mining us with an open search, to see if we get a visit or shot or jailed. Only God reallly knows what is coming with this election, and this goes Obama Inc., Elon Musk of the DIA is not going to be paying your court costs as the is going to leave the platform and you are going to hang like the Jan6ers. It is why I do not do Twitter or Facebook. I leave enough words here in trying to educatte and direct observing the law, paying your taxes and not causing trouble.

In my interactions with you in hearing from you, 100% of you are polite, thoughtful, informed and about your lives, as you should be in peaceful directions toward Christ.  You are helpul and good Amerians. You process information in not being thin skinned and undersatnd there is not a wide blanket of condemnation if some subject touches you, and you process an alternative pointn of view.

It is like what I read in Sandberg's history of Lincoln at war. Sandberg has not problem defining Lincoln as a tyrant which he was, but Sandberg can process the Lincoln process to learn from it. It is like no one wants to grow up to be Adolf Hitler, but Hitler had correct analysis in most things which for the betterment of people in a nation, they should be moulded to that agenda, while wisely staying away from police states and forced labor, which the West is now amplified as their policies.

I consider all of you out there as family and I do pray for you. God guided you here and His moving to fill in the silence until Biblical Prophecy is evident is still what I'm about in minding the children. We are in this together and the teaching here is, yes there is change, but the concerns we have are legimate but they should not control us in Christ. We will get through this and we get through this by being prepared, letting the storm pass over us and seeing what goodies are on the other side for us to pick up with a world in meltdown.

I have to close this out, as satan tripped me the other day and did some damage to my hand, and we have to go change a tire on a junker pick up at JYG's along with all the other stuff we have to get done today in these busy weeks...........where yes I monitor things in the world, but my lie is bigger than the world and it is my responsibility as is yours to get things done in your lives as God is Master of what will be, and those things must be, so Christ returns.

God bless you.

