Friday, October 25, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not have the time to monitor all the fringe radio out there and I'm listening now to a network which had Alex Jones on and some guy now preaching Jesus things named Steve, that it brought to mind my Holy Ghost readings in twice the verse came in appointing a Priest to replace the Priest and to deal with the false prophets.

I got that twice due to the first time I only read the first line and was thinking it had nothing to do with me. I would doubt that it was literal in I'm supposed to be dealing with false prophets. Steve is currently telling people that Thursday October 17th might be the last time you can get things. Now he is telling people that crooks have electronic captures and getting fridge things in garages and jackig cars with AK 47's..........yes things are going to get really really bad.

You will be reading this on the Sabbath and I doubt that by the 24th you will not be able to buy cookies at the grocery.

I realize there is allot of fear out there. I fear things too like bad winter weather and not having the money time and health to get things done for the animals as I do not want things to suffer.

In the Brier, a kid I have a junk ATV being revived to life which is not getting revived as some beaners beat him and robbed him, and then he got cat scratch a blessing of an ATV which I can not afford that 25,000 bucks for a new one. Things are changing and I'm always prepping yet, but this stampede of people is not the way to go.

I can tell you that your world is not going to end with this stupid election. Your world is not going to end with these invaders. None of  this chit is going to end your world. I have an example and I do not have the time to copy this quote from Abraham Lincoln, but this was from 1862 when thing were going bad for America and at the Emancipation.

Lincoln was pondering the civil war. If he had his way it would have ended early. He believed in the Father in Heaven, and he knew that most conflicts has both sides saying God was on their side. That could not be as God was a God Who was working out His purpose. Lincoln wondered why God could allow a war to progress, but yet God did as something was being worked out.
Lincoln could never come to the answer in this paradigm as this was the mind of God and nat man.

The point in this is simple. I was talking to TL about realities, like some expert stated that 5 nukes would end the Tel Aviv world. That would seem to end a great deal of the problems in the world, but yet in this, when would Jesus come back? Remember that Jesus predicted a time of Great Tribulation, the worst the world has ever known, where all life could be extinguished. That is not God's doing That is human and satan undertaking causing this upheaval against God's Peace. Peace has not ended. It has been disturbed in you, because like Peter, you are looking at the storm around you and not God.

It is the way you look at things. If you are prepared, like the girls with the oil for the lamps, Spiritually and with supplies, then you are in a position to let things blow over the top of you. If you are some unfortunate as in Gaza or Lebanon, then there is not much you can do with the holocaust around you. People there though are still being fed and clothed, and alive they should be content.

I'm not going to figure out what God reasoned in Abraham Lincoln. It did not seem fair in Lincoln getting a bullet to the brain. It stuck America with millions of Africans who have never been anything more than what they were 150 years ago. All of this though and other events have brought us to this, a great deal of betrayal and a too trusting mob.

We are in a place where we all recognize things are wrong. It is unsettling. Each person though is affected differently. Some people go nuts if their politics do not win. Some go nuts if their houses burn down. Some go nuts if you invade their space. Some people go nuts if their pet dies. You may be highly unsettled now or fearful about your elections or your money. You may be a person who looks at Wormwood, nuclear war, or dead people laying all around your community, as something you shrug off.


It sounds like ............this is the point, none of us are content now with our food and clothing, because we have been forced to over extend so we are attached to cell phones, nice things or being popular. When those things are gone and the string is cut, then you will probably be a person who is content with stars falling from heaven and populations disappearing, because it is not affecting you because you are not validated by these things.

We have a din of Tavistock false prophets who entice us with things to get us into elections and other theater, and sensational headlines. Hal Turner at this moment is quoting Steve Quayle and the Tehran and Tel Aviv war. The Tel Aviv strike with all the nuke talk and oil platform talk, before the election and again it is interesting watching the theater, but as I just got 10 more gallons of gas in storage and more pet food, the deaths of problems are not going to affect me, and those who are throwing the molotov's fire on the gasoline.

We are not supposed to be troubled by any of this. No trouble in tribulation. All of this is being sorted out.  Sorting out is taking place. A loving God is giving every human a plentiful platter to choose things other than God. Giving everyone over to their own lusts. You are too, but some of you are choosing Jesus. Some of you are affirmed in a discipline in this chaos of adhering to Christ.

I'm  not content now. I will be content in the upheaval as I will be disconnected from the big events as all Christians will be.

So is it the content of the situation or being content in the experience?

The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong. God cannot be for and against  the same thing at the same time. In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something different  from the purpose of either party; and yet the human instrumentalities  working just as they do, are the best adaptation to effect His purpose. I am working just as they do, are the best adaptation to effect His purpose. I am almost ready to say  that this is probably true; that God wills this contest, and wills that it shall not end yet. By His mere great power on the minds of the now contestants, He could have either saved or destroyed the Union without a human contest. Yet the contest began. And having begun, He could give the final victory to either side any day. Yet the contest proceeds.

A note found on President Lincoln's desk by this Secretary, John Hay, who copied it, was never meant for publication, but was the riddle in Abraham Lincoln's mind and what haunted his heart in September 1862 before Emancipation.

Always remember when our forefathers in the Tribes of Israel, met by Joshua the Angel of the Lord before battle, that Joshua inquired who Jesus was for, the Hebrews or the enemy, that Christ with sword corrected, "I am for neither. I am for Myself".

All of this which brings you fear and dismay is God moving this to the time of Christ's coming, even with sinners, enemies, satan and demons, and, the prayers of Saints, what America and the world has gotten itself into, God is working His Purpose for His Promise. God Will be done. God Will prevail.

Nuff Said
