Wednesday, October 2, 2024

America Must End Ties With London Policy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It was the Kaganite and John McCain's faction who dragged the United States into conflict with Russia in Ukraine for Great London and now the Labour Party in London of King Chuck, somehow turned over England's nuclear arsenal to the United States, without any agreement by the US Congress.

I will state again, I'm as anti Norman as Abraham Lincoln hated the regime of the British, and after they caused the America Civil War, dragged America with JP Morgan and the Rothschilds into two world wars to genocide Germans with American blood, the Lame Cherry is sounding the alarm that the United States DESPERATELY needs to get the hell out of NATO and to flush these Goddamn United Retards to toilet as below you will find out what America's nuclear partner is in detail.




Below is a short recent history of what kind of fucktards the British are. They start these Goddamned wars and con America into fighting them as the British run away in defeat.

the missile was supposed to travel 6,000 kilometres before landing in the Atlantic between Africa and Brazil, but it failed to launch properly from the submarine HMS Vanguard and actually crashed into the sea just yards away.


The previous test took place in 2016. Launched from the submarine HMS Victorious, a malfunction in the system caused the missile to spin out of control. 

Instead of flying over the Atlantic, the missile flew over the US and later self-destructed.


Delays included the discovery that superglue was used by workers to attach broken bolts to the submarine’s nuclear reactor.


 HMS Victorious suffered a fire onboard in 2022. 

A blaze broke out in an electrical component in one of the submarine’s systems and it had to surface in the North Atlantic and return to port in Faslane. 

It is now in dry dock at Devonport for repair and maintenance.


Last November, a faulty depth gauge on one of the subs resulted in the vessel continuing to dive. 

It almost approached crush depth before submariners noticed the equipment had malfunctioned and corrected course, narrowly averting disaster.


Last September, one was spotted returning to port covered in barnacles and slime after a record six month patrol. 

In 2022 it was reported that the lack of available Vanguard-class submarines meant crews were increasingly serving tours in excess of 150 days. 

There have been more than 500 nuclear safety incidents with submarines at Faslane since 2006, according to Scottish investigative website The Ferret.

The United States of America, if it is Donald Trump or JD Vance, needs to support a German made defense of Europe. It needs to sever ties with England, and to then lead a Colonial New World force to secure the Atlantic and Pacific with Canada and Australia, providing of course that Canada and Australia have a CIA installed regime which is pro American and American patriots run those shit holes properly.

America is in jeopardy because of England, It is past time that the United States pulls the plug and has the British Normans go the way of the dinosaur.

Nuff Said

