Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Thee unholy Jew

I'm doing this from America so Jew York City gets nuked and not Tel Aviv.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Americans do not seem to comprehend, save this Lame Cherry in what Jewry engaged in, inside the United States this past week, as Joe Biden claimed the mass murder of the Hezbollah Muslim, Nasrallah as "justice".

The Lame Cherry will cut to the quick in this so you get the reality. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Tel Aviv, PLANNED, to mass murder the leader of the political group, Hezbollah, WHILE IN THE UNITED STATES, WHILE IN NEW YORK CITY, WHILE SPEAKING AT THE UNITED NATIONS.

So this soaks into your understanding. What are the legal consquences if you let a neighbor into your home and they use your phone to execute the murders of other people? Are the police going to state that you are an accomplice in on it, or not?

You will be hauled off to jail. In the case of Netanyahu, firing a mass bombing at Muslims, while in America, using American planes, Americans technology, American bombs and America as a base command to murder Muslims in a government decapitation, deliberately linked the United States to this mass murder of Muslims, who are allied to nuclear Iran, terrorists throughout all Pan Islam, and have nuclear Russia and Iran backing them.

This is the ultimate betrayal by the Jews of Tel Aviv to America in what they set up, exactly like November 1963 when they managed the Kennedy murder to get uranium to make the Jewish atomic bomb.

The violations of what Netanyahu did are extreme and shattered all diplomatic protocols. What Tel Aviv did, was not just implicate the United States in mass murder, but made Jew York City a target for nuclear attack in retaliation for this murder of Nasrallah and Iranians. Jews the apple of God's eye in the Big Apple are now targets for death over this and the entire media is absolutely silent in this Amen crowd of Ziongelicals led by Homo Hannity and Speaker Mike Johnson.

Ask yourself what the United Nations is? What is the United States as custodian of the United Nations? America is to be an honest broker, that NO ONE COMES INTO AMERICA and speaks at the United Nations, which is for international law and peace, is to ever call out a mass murder bombing attack from the United Nations and from the United States on the very people the United Nations was set up to represent and protect.

This historical vileness and evil of what was done in violating all code of conduct is equal to all of the condemned heinous acts ever rejected by  the world civilized population. One simply does not invite in people and murder them or go into the home of another person and murder people from their innocent home.

Benjamin Netanyahu conducted international lawlessness from New York City, New York, USA and implicated the United States in this heinous act of assassination. The people now with nuclear weapons, with chemical weapons, with biological weapons, and with sharp knives are going to retaliate on the United States which is what Tel Aviv intended in sucking America into a war with Iran.

This week was not alone in this, in that Nazi from Kiev, the dwarf Jew Zellinskyy went with democats into Pennsylvania to a bomb making factory, where Govenor Shapiro, another Jew, signed a bomb which will be dropped on Russians to mass murder them.

As Democrat Dennis Kucinich stated, "Pennsylvania has just been made a target of Russian weapons".

This is Zellinskyy and Netanyahu in their Global Jew Order in making the United States a targer and fodder for their wars of Greater Jewry.

Dictator Biden or whoever is the replacement installment in November should for the sanctity of diplomacy, summon the Tel Aviv Ambassador and inform them all to get the hell out of the United States in 12 hours or they will be dragged out by the FBI and put on ships.

The United States should recall all diplomats and evacuate all military from the state of Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv must be made aware that the United States will not stand for this smearing of America's honest broker stance.

Tel Aviv will have to find out through gossip that Tel Aviv can make contact with America through South Africa and then only low level diplomats. This should be the policy to restore the reputation of the United States.

Of course this will not happen, as Jew financiers are running this global genocide and are more loyal to Chinese bank accounts and Ukraine deposits than New York banking. The reality is though that Netanyahu has planted this scenario while in New York, that Mosaad can instigate a nuclear  event in New York and all the Jew York press will report is that it is Iran's fault in retaliation, with only the fringe popular girl reminding all that it was Netanyahu who made New York and every American a target for a months pre planned mass assasination of Muslims DIRECTED FROM THE UNITED STATES.

That is why Tel Aviv did not strike Hezbollah in August. They were waiting for the United Nations summit to give Netanyahu a diplomatic pass America could not stop under the cover of the United Nations, to do this heinous deed in America, so America would be blamed.

Think about all of this, as you have not read one iota of this in any of the dinosaur media or the lapdog Amen Ziongelical press. America was betrayed and set up at the end of September by Tel Aviv and this just became "target USA"


"Hezbollah Officially Declares War: We now officially declare all-out war against both Israel and its allies and call on all Arab citizens in the occupied territories to vacate their homes in the north, as Operation Response begins today."


This is reprehensible and this is a testimony of how absolutely clueless the people in power in Washington DC are in having allowed this to take place from American soil.

 “Fuck the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway”
Secretary of State James Baker

The Ashkenaz though are going to get piles of Americans dead in nuclear holocaust as they vote liberal in America and as dual voters for genocide and holocaust in the Mideast.

James Baker blasts Netanyahu - POLITICO

Mar 23, 2015 ... Blasting “diplomatic missteps and political gamesmanship,” former Secretary of State James Baker laid in hard to the Israeli prime minister on ...

James Baker: The man who said No to Israel | Middle East Eye

Jul 13, 2021 ... In May 1989, Baker told an AIPAC conference: “For Israel, now is the time to lay aside, once and for all, the unrealistic vision of a Greater ...

Nuff Said
