Wednesday, October 23, 2024

an inside peak


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting video here with the highlights of the lowlights of being a militant Jew.

We have watched the Tel Aviv Jews engage in holocaust in Gaza and mass murder in the Mideast.

We have now the Kiev Jews threatening the west with their own nuclear weapons.

We have experienced the Kaganites of American politics along with the Neocons, being the ejaculation of holocaust and genocide as policy.

You may remember that this blog stated someone is giving the Jews the rope to hang themelves. They are giving the Jews a bad name and more to the reality, they have ended the "victim Jew" in no one cares for the propaganda of the 6 million mystery Jews at the end of World War II.

These are the sons of Bulan, They are not Judahite, meaning bloodlines of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. They are converts to Babylonian Jewry, the mystery religion.

For their reasons, they have invoked upon a two empire solution to Greater Jewry, one in Kiev in re establishing the old Khazar empire of the Ashenaz which was wiped out by the Rus, Semites of the Swedes who are of the Abraham line. The other is in Old Israel to establish the Greater Israel.

Here is a question for you. What if someone had something you wanted. The something could be rom the world economy, to nuclear weapons to an ancient High Place called Jerusalem.

How do you get it back? How do you get it back when you are a Semite dealing with Japhethites. That would be the other son of Noah, as you are Semite from Shem, but not of the Abraham line either, because the Abraham line came from Eber, and that is where you know the Egyptian wor HEBREW for these children.

How do you get back the old Babylonian order.

It looks like you do this by burning all the sons of Bulan bridges in making the Jew hideous and the entire world is turning on their blood libel.

These Ashkenaz have their old enemies of the Russians and the Persians turned against them. 

The natural progression of this is that they are being turned over to the old Assyrian Empire, the original, which is the Germans who are evolving as protectors of Kiev and they will soon appear as protectors of Jerusalem as America is exiting the building.

That is how this is being accomplished. Even if you might have other ideas to get something you want back.

Interesting as a chessboard game. Several hundred thousand dead is a calculated expenditure in this. No more than a transaction. Interesting the human mind will reach those conclusions.
