Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Donald Trump the Peacemaker


You are an evil little dwarf who slaughtered more Christians
than Hitler did Jews

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is thankful that this dwarf Hitler o Kiev, pissesd on Donald Trump while this Juboy was in America trying to influence American elections, because after two attempts on Mr. Trump's life with connections to Ukraine, Mr. Trump finally unleashed on Zellinskyy for the corrupt despot he is.

Ukraine is in ruins. Ukrainians are dead

"But now Ukraine is running out of soldiers. They're using young children and old men because their soldiers are dying," Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Thursday.

According to Trump, Ukraine should have started negotiations with Russia long ago.

"The country is absolutely obliterated,” he declared. "Millions and millions of people, including all of these great soldiers, they're dead," Trump said.

According to Trump, any deal, even "the worst deal, would be better than what we have now."

"Those cities are gone, they're gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn't have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said ," he said.

America has not had a foreign policy since Ronald Reagan. Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden and yes Donald Trump to an extent implemented an international socialist policy which was anti American in every form as Americans do not do genocide and holocaust. The shining moment of Donald Trump is that he did not start another new war.

After Zellinskyy insulted Mr. Trump in being ignorant and not knowing how to make peace, perhaps Mr. Trump in being returned to the White House will with Moscow, draw the old Dniepr Rusian boarder in Ukraine for the Federation.

Donald Trump should be more bold than ending the war in Ukraine. With  requirements from Russia, America should end NATO, and dump the dead weight of England back into a German led European order of 10 nations for their own defense.

American should instead head a New World Order not that evil one, but one of the new colonial nations of America, Canada and Australia for security in the Atlantic and Pacific.

America does this, remoes it aged Minutemen, and Russia disarms their Sarmats in the United States and Russia will no longer aim land based nuclear weapons at each other or at Europe.

This path of saving wahta is left of Ukraine is to inititate new elections for leading Ukraine with the Russians observing, with America and an accepted nuetral 3rd party.

The fact is that the internationalists should all face Nuremberg hanging, but that will not happen. It has to be a point of ending the evil which is Ukraine. That begins with peace and free elections for the people to decide, without Ukraine being in NATO, ever. What the Germans agree to with Russia on the Kiev issue is European business, not Americans.

Nuff Said
