Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A New Constellation In The Sky


Some 500 rockets were launched onto Israel on Tuesday night by Iran.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The interest in this is the logistics of the retaliation of Iran for the murder of it's leaders and it's allies. It took 9 hours for the drones to hit the state of Tel Aviv. Netanyahu went crying to Vladimir Putin to stop this, and the Kremlin told Netanyahu to get out of Lebanon.

The Jews had hours to prepare for this. They alerted the Pentagon which had hours to defend and in the end, the Iranians blew the shit out of Tel Aviv military and intelligence operations.

There was a new constellation over the skies of the once Holy Land, now made apostate, in the Fatah stars of the east.

As you read though the information from Hal Turner's site, remember that the Jews had hours to prepare as did the Pentagon, and the Iranian missiles and drones still got through Iron Dome, more to the point, the Fatah hypersonic missiles.......HIT EXACT TARGETS from air force bases, destroying the F 35 nuclear suicide bombers as much as the heavy F 15's which were involved in the murder of Nasrallah, an oil platform and one of the greatest scourges of the world in Mosaad headquarters where little teenage girls out of IDF uniforms will not be dancing naked for the old perverts there who fuck them in orgy as part of their benefits package.

Russia knew this was coming and did not stop it. DO NOT MISS THAT FACT in Mr. Putin has done yeoman's work to keep a lid on this to the American elections, but something has transpired which had the Kremlin agree to this retaliation now. The Lame Cherry will have more on this in a future post which was completed before this in the Jewish Nuclear Paradigm.........meaning information must have reached Russia that Tel Aviv was going to use terror suitcase nukes to mass murder the Iranian leadership. This was a conventional pre emptive strike against nuclear weapons about to be deployed.

Now the reality is, as Mr. Putin knew this was coming, knows that Tel Aviv is in the process of attacking Iran, which will have to be prepared for..........to humiliate Tel Aviv and put Lilith back into her lair.

If Dictator Biden has launched strikes against Iran, that means Whitman Air Base in Missouri launched B 2 Stealth heavy bombers sometime this afternoon and by tomorrow morning will be on location to strike the Iranian nuclear facilities. Both Russian and China have vowed to defend Iran against America. 

Russia is now in a position to shoot down American bombers before they strike Iran. The District of Crooks wanted a southern front war against Russia. Russia has the resources to strike  the assets of the Lower 48 United States to educate the American electorate about stolen elections and what is the threat of a police state.

The purpose of Moscow and Iran will be to humiliate American firepower used by Tel Aviv and to neutralize American long range bombers in attacking Iran.

This was one massively impressive display by Iran. Their weapons are superb. Their weapons defeated Tel Aviv and American defenses. They hit targets at distance with pinpoint accuracy.

Tel Aviv will again cry again in pain as the victim, but this bully with Pentagon arms just got floored and Iran knew this was coming and they will respond in an even more intense measure, which is going to neutralize the Gaza holocaust and Lebanon genocide.

The reading of the stars.

12:00 Noon EDT --

Israeli efforts are underway to hold a phone call between Netanyahu and Putin amid anticipation of an Iranian attack.  The efforts so far are being described as "unsuccessful."


12:18 PM EDT --

Russia to Israel: Withdraw your forces from southern Lebanon immediately. 

report CLAIMING Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, killed.  UNCONFIRMED.

CONFIRMATION:   An initial damage assessment reports that Nevatim Air Base was so badly damaged that it is now inoperable. At least 20 F-35 fighter jets are confirmed damaged or destroyed, as well as tanks, gas platforms, vehicle repair stations, and hangars.


3:55 PM EDT --

UNVERIFIED CLAIMS coming in saying Mossad Headquarters was "completely destroyed."

Multiple HITS were recorded in Tel Aviv, as well as in Dimona, Nabatim, Hora, Hod Hasharon, Beer Sheva and Rishon Lezion.

-- IRGC Official: 'If the United States helps Israel with an attack on Iran, we will bomb American bases in the region – and they are much less protected than Israel'

