Monday, October 7, 2024

Feeling the Joe Biden Love


Kamala Harris is a loser. I'm just helping her lose.
Her losing will be a win for America.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

That old Irish Mic, Joe Biden is really a textbook in sucker punching people he hates. People probably missed the old guy blowing into a news conference where he started setting the propaganda for free and fair elections, then opening on Donald Trump and JD Vance which gifted Trance the platform to respond that Trump had peaceful demonstrations and was set up by the FBI, and that we need to look at the crooked mail in ballots from 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

Western Journal was harping about this, but this is now introduced into the public mind which is flowing toward voting for Trump. When a majority of people, feel their majority vote has been stolen, then that majority will solidify and not accept a Big Mike Obama staged election. Joe Biden put this out there and this only helps Donald Trump.

Watch: Biden Crashes Media Briefing, Then Warns Election May Not Be Peaceful in Shocking Appearance

Now for what Biden was up to again which really had me busting out laughing when FOX news radio reported this. Joe Biden went into this long epitaph of branding Kamala Harris with everything Joe Biden has done as she was involved in all of it. Joe Biden literally transferred all the Biden failures which the public is pissed off about onto Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris and Obama Inc. should have never did the Cassius on Old Joe as he appeared wearing a Trump hat and then popped up again, now laying all the blame on Kamala Harris for the failures of his term.

One can not help but appreciate Joe Biden helping the Trump political movement with Robert Kennedy to be elected in revenge over what Obama Harris pulled on Biden.

Biden says he and Kamala Harris are 'singing from the same song sheet' — as she tries distancing herself | Fox News

In a surprise press briefing appearance on Friday afternoon, President Joe Biden made concerted efforts to link Kamala Harris to the work of the White House.

I honestly like this Joe Biden taking on the International Socialists who tried to take him down and out. He survived the September coup in going commando and has now popped up twice doing immense damage to this Harris Walz pervert moron ticket.

The last damn thing Joe Biden wants is Harris or Big Mike in the White House. You watch as it will be worse than when Bush41 went tear ass on Ronald Reagan. EVERTYTHING WRONG is going to be blamed on Joe Biden by Colour Couple and Biden's legacy will be ruined.

Trump was chivalrous against crooked Hillary and he will be the same with Joe Biden in probably pardoning Hunter and shutting down all the Biden crime files. I would not be surprised if Donald Trump or JD Vance will say that Joe Biden did the best for America, when faced with the nutty communists who Obama hijacked his administration.

Honestly, if Joe Biden is not sniffing kids, engaged in demogogue shit like aborticide and gun grabbing, is not involved in funding Jew genocides against other people, he is a likeable guy. He never got the chance to be Joe Biden, like these few glimpses of political craft we have been treated to these past months when he has retaliated on the enemy of Obama Kabal.

Joe Biden's legacy is only going to be secured by Trump Vance. They will not tear him down. If Biden is magnanimous in acknowledging Donald Trump, Trump will respond in kind. I would still have  Joe Biden pardon all Jan6ers and state that this is being put behind us all. He would gain a foundation in the American Right who would not be rolling their eyes like they still do in the perpetual dying Jimmy Carter now going on for decades.

The Lame Cherry would suggest one more legacy plank for Joe Biden which would set a precident in history. I would suggest that when Donald Trump wins on election night, that Joe Biden states this, and informs the President elect, that the Biden Administration is at the service of thee American people in this trying time, in Mr. Biden will offer the resignations of key cabinet officials from Secretary of Treasury, Defense and State, and put forward the names to the Democrat controlled Senate of Mr. Trump's nominees, who will be confirmed by November and already be two months in office when Mr. Trump is sworn in, for a truly peaceful transition of power.

It has been an anti American trademark since Jimmy Carter to Birther Hussein to steal American lands in some some wilderness bullshit which pisses everyone off. Joe Biden could set a standard for Good Government and helpful transition of governance in pardons and placement.

What Joe Biden has done in kicking Kabala Harris in the gonad ovaries has been entertaining, but he needs a legacy to undo the upheaval of coming into power. He could in the above produce a healing for all Americans in being above politics.

Instead of the politics of stonewalling which marked past democrats, Joe Biden would introduce the politics of steadfastness to American Governance by the will of the People.

Nuff Said



