Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Flushing Donald Trump

You asked the Pope to stop it, and I asked the Jews
and these storms are still coming.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hurricane Milton has been weaponize by HAARP. It appeared out of the Yucatan moving east and exploded into a Cat 5 and it is bearing down on Trump's golf course mansion in Florida which will force the former President out of safety and into New England at his other secure location.

Milton Supercharged To Mega Cat 5 Storm,
Potentially Rivaling Pre-Civil War Hurricane

Milton Now A ‘Violent' Hurricane - 175 MPH Sustained
Winds - Turner

Watch Video - Is It ‘Climate Change’ Or ‘Climate Control’?
CBS News Gave Us The Answer 9 Years Ago (And Yes It
Involves Hurricanes)

If one looks at Milton's path, the HAARP cold air dumps which have been forced from the Great Plains into the mid South, dropping temperatures from 85 to 35 degrees to "steer" Milton through Florida and out into the Atlantic, this super storm will then move up the east coast..........yes Trump's second secure location will be in jeopardy in a week's time, again by HAARP.

All of these HAARP storms were designed for Obama wilding rivers, washing away Republican areas, and now Milton looks like it has the former President's name on it.

Perhaps this will now in Dane Wiggington reality cause a national focus on weather warfare on Americans, with Mr. Trump being chased around America and exposed to danger, so that this is going to stop.

There are two more HAARP hurricanes already in the Atlantic and moving to Florida to locate on that golf course which is the safe area for the former President.

*Note it was proven before that a Cat 5 can not be steered by the jet stream as it steers the jet. This HAARP storm is not going to be stopped or diverted.

Helene and what that storm flushed was a diversion. The big storms are being set up for the primary objective.

God save the Trumps.

Nuff Said
