Saturday, October 26, 2024

First Contact


Be it stated, if you are not as attractive as an original Star Trek babe,
you should be banned from cosplay. You should instead play Jane Austin characters
covered in yards of fabric. 
Men it does not really matter now as after Sulu, anything can pass.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had an inquiry in how people contact me. Most do it in the donation box. For others they figure it out in donating. I though have mentioned that in the past months the email account has been timed out as Bill Gates wants all humans to bow to Windows 10. It takes me sometime to go to my Grandpas place for wifi, and  then do update and then get into the mail account. I mentioned this to Jeffry and he understood the delays in contact.

At present, I'm trying to get things done before winter and had something dumped into my lap as a God solution of a pick up that looks like something more satanic. I need something to pull a stock trailer, so JYG got in this junker which I thought would work. It is still being fixed on. The neighbor had a Ford 1 ton for 10, way can I afford prices like that, so I got this junker that I'm hoping a Mexcican can fix in trying to save money. I will know about that tomorrow I hope.
JYG did weld in a fifth wheel into the truck box over a leaking gas tank, which I was spraying water over so we all did not blow up. A 5th is to pull a gooseneck trailer......which is another find from JYG two years ago. Invested last fall in welding and putting in a new floor into that lovely.

I just want people to know I'm not sitting on my ass not doing things, but looking for thingsto post. I still have to cut wood for heating and get things moved out of the yard and too many things I would that God would just require the souls of some horrid people who just about got us bull murdered literally this spring.........that would solve a few things on toys I think I need in a tractor and not raising a pick up from  the dead.

At present am still typing on the fried half screen computer as I have not had time to get the other one up and loaded.

I'm a kind hearted person for all the fire I breathe. I know when it came to donations, I told people that I did not have time to be best friends. Most understand. Some figure they can use me as a platform to get their agenda done and some whine. After making that notice about not having time, you might remember the Viking who was mentioned here. He had a habit of causing trouble in sending my stuff to politicians and rich people. He had a real trial in his personal life.He did not apparently appreciate being told to protect himself from his family and last I heard he sent me this email about his dying or something to worry me, if he disappeared. He ain't dead. It was just his way of cutting the cord as he had made his decisions and no longer had use to dump letters at me. I don't say anything usually about people, but that is the kind of stuff that happens............just like in needy people in real life.

It was better than the beekeeper who incessantly mailed me insane diatribes of 4 letter words n what his warped mind created.  I think his family put him into a geezer home or something as I found a letter in another email account from a nurse he had convinced that we were an item. Yes he was TL,  he had come up with. in his weird mind. He is dead now which the world is thankful for.

One troll named Squawtifa swore to the government I was Roman Polanski. Apparently putting a photo of Sharon Tate up, makes you him. Glad that putting a pic up of Dick Cheney does not make me one of his daughters.............even if I would be a good daughter and better than what is on display now.

So tomorrow it is doing the real world stuff. My hand is still sore in the satan tripping, never stopped the typing, even if it had the same black bruising to it that my sister had in the casket after she died in a car crash. She must have lived long as JFK with her brain missing too, to have bruised that they had a black veil over her. Lots of adventures for an 8 year old kid to snap shot onto the photographic memory and still play flash cards this much later in trying to figure things out.

Well it is time to put the kitties away and the clothes and me back into the box as the 486 has to deal with a beaner mechanic tomorrow. He has a nice dog. Hope the dog stays when Trump pretends to deport all these foreigners as it is an American dog after all.

Nuff Said

