Monday, October 21, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This White Paper deals primarily with the crop growing regions of the United States, Midwest and West.

USDA Satellite crop analysis in the summer of 2024 revealed an anomoly which was not part of the long range projections of HAARP in the crop growing belt when imagery revealed a trend of corn and soybean crops dying, not from HAARP metalic and chemical acid spraying, but from drowning in water.

This reality was widespread, even on hills. Water collection points were appearing even on the tops of hills where water had never appeared in the history of the regions. What had taken place was the massive snow and rain chemical dumps of 2022 which caused massive flooding of historic proportions in the often repeated, "This is a 500 year storm", and the storms  were appearing every 5 days across this food belt, so saturated the soils with this chemical mixture that  with the sub average conditions of 2023, a real problem began appearing in the year of 2024 when fields were not drying out. As little as .5 inches of rain would produce results of 2 inches of rain, and a 2 inch rain would look like a flood in the fields.

HAARP had been massively successful, too successful. as the projected program of 2022 was to so saturate the soils so only "Monsanto" crops would grow in this high acid soil, and the herding of farmers from the base plan of manipulated them a decade ago to build massive steel grain storage facilities on their farms, and then to manipulate them to all drain their "too wet HAARP soils", was to be followed by the 2025 program of utilizing the natural 500 year drought cycle to force farmers to drill irrigation wells, and then collapse their system, whereby in the 2023 time period an entire corporate robotic seizure of bankrupt farmlands would garner complete control of food production.

The projections were sound, in the over all programme, but the drowning crops were a manifestation of too much success. HAARP after collapsing the HI pressure dome over the central plains in early spring by deluging it with massive jets of chem generated precipitation, caused the situation of the drowning plants. To this in August, HAARP ceased conducting moisture into the region, and the crops overall matured and produced a harvest, whereby they were stunted most of the summer from this water molecule retention or drowning of the crops in the soil.

HAARP continues without moisture to dry the crops with strong winds for harvest before November for Chinese shipments from the west coast, but the situation is a reality that if the warm temperatures of this drought cycle had been maintained, the same results would have taken place. This HAARP spraying though is dropping on the new target zone of the south and east of the United States in the hurricanes and the ridges helping to contain them to the south and east.

In projections, if HAARP allows moisture into the crop growing regions, it will compound the problem of the over abundance of chemicals in the soil to retain water. The "Monsanto" crops will die in 2025 i this is the action enacted upon by HAARP.

In the same study, if HAARP produces polar vortex, the cold will cause deep freezes into the soil which will kill tree specimens across the regions.

The apparent solution will be to allow the drought cycle and warmth to continue over the West and Midwest, fuel consumption being of less and greater importance as less in the soil imbalance for 2025 is a priority and greater in a fuel reserve would be primary for coming global wars in shortages.

Snow is the worst conveyor of moisture, but the greatest in chemical saturation. As the soils can not be saturated further without drowning crops. the moisture prospect for 2025 should be a very dry winter  without snow or cold in the West and Midwest. The last week of April into mid May would be the appointed time for quick widespread showers of the .5 inch amounts in this 3 week period to provide the appropriate germination bed for cereal crops. Any more rain than this on the Great American Desert and the crops will drown again.

In amounts of future moisture, the period of the Southern jet stream shifting north from mid June to the 4th of July period would be the time to replenish the HAARP soils for a summer reserve for the ripening of crops.This though would have to be limited to no more than 1.5 inches of rain as the  proposed shift in seizing croplands by robotic agriculture conglomerates would mean a fail of the soybean and corn crops. The essence that the Obama shift of war on China would require growing shortages of exports to China to force them to attack the West as Japan was forced to by Frank Roosevelt oil embargoes in the 1930's.

The production of wheat can be limited in this shortened moisture period of end June to promote the bankruptcy of those lands too for corporate control.

The situation with the HAARP soils now in chem overload is sufficient to negate 80% of moisture creation as there is too much moisture, but in a 500 year drought cycle, irrigation would be enhanced by the moisture retention of the HAARP soil structures. The last situation which this enterprise would desire is for a wet cycle to occur or for HAARP to generate super storms to saturate America from the west coast as the crops could not be planted nor could they be grown as they would drown.

The HAARP program has been a success in the manipulation of farmers and creating a wet environment in the Great American Desert, as the soil structure is now akin to a bog when it rains. Interesting into this, the conditions HAARP created and now must maintain for the conclusion o this programme and beyond is it will generate the same God ordained moisture cycles of the prairie regions in a consistently dry and warm growing conditions with just enough moisture in summer to grow the crops.

This programme will have great benefit for the robotic conglomerate agriculture as the natural drought will produce little moisture and irrigation will suffice to produce abundant crops. There will be no need for farmers as a corporate entity could farm all of Iowa from an office in Berlin or New York City. Pesticide and herbicide use will cease as robotics will patrol the fields ridding the crops of weeds and insects. It will be a highly efficient and controlled structure.

It remains to be experienced if the HAARP moderators will conclude from this period forward the necessary protocols as for committee structures, there is a disconnect of direction to HAARP moderators who are not penalized when the factors of their success impedes what is the purpose of this programme.

This ends this White Paper analysis of HAARP Projections 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said

