Sunday, October 6, 2024

I Believe Donald Trump Was President Once...........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has no insider information, nor have I inquired, but as tomorrow is October 7th, when Tel Aviv sponsored Gaza to attack the Tel Aviv state and then Tel Aviv's military murdered piles of Jews and blamed Muslims, it would seem that with US tankers flying into Turkey that something appears to be on the celebratory know the Jewish victim thing in we have carte blanche to spread holocaust to Iran now too as we have been wounded.

Whatever happens though, the Lame Cherry offers some advice to Donald Trump and that is to shut his mouth about war and bombing, no matter if the Widow Adelson is priming his pump with 100 million dollars.

See Donald Trump was President once and didn't do a damn thing to settle the Iranian issue. So talk is cheap when it comes to Joe Biden finally growing some testicles and not being led around by the Kaganites over Greater Tel Aviv genocide of Muslims.

At the present. Muslims are turning away from Kabala Harris in droves. They are key elements in Michigan and other swing states which are now moving to Donald Trump. Mr. Trump needs to stop antagonizing Muslims, especially the Shia which Iran is, and that goes for JD Vance too in his offerings of massive bombings, instead of pin pricks.

Here is the point in which we were lectured at by Dick Cheney and the Neocons in the Bush43 occupation of the White House, that the Pentagon had about 3 days targets on Iran and then there was nothing left to bomb, and Iran is a big land, so you can not invade, and you will be left with even more hard ass turbanheads. Nothing has changed in this. Bombing Iran only causes more problems.

The Lame Cherry will remind Donald Trump the fact that Russia and China have both stated that the United States will be struck by them if America bombs Iran.

There is not any Christian American who wants to die for Iran or Tel Aviv.

Meet you on the other side.

“I think [Biden] got that wrong,” Trump said. “Isn't that what you're supposed to hit? The answer should have been to hit the nuclear first and worry about the rest later.”

The comments from Trump were not surprising because his administration will be comprised of some of the most extreme pro-Israel supporters in the country – like Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.

Sen. J.D. Vance, Donald Trump’s VP pick, used his first major interview as Trump’s pick for vice president, to keep the Trump donors happy and said U.S. needs to stop with little pinpricks against Iran, and “punch Iran hard.”

“We need to punch Iran hard. That's what Trump did with Qasem Soleimani. That action actually brought peace by checking the Iranians. If you want to check the Iranians, you need to withdraw their oil money, and enable Israel and the Sunni countries to work to counter Iran,” he said.

The Christian Nationalists in the U.S., and their blind support for Israel, have been salivating for war with Iran on Israel’s behalf.

Shortly after the 7 October Hamas attack, with no evidence, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., blamed Iran and told Israel, “We’re in a religious war here. I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place.”

Vance, who tries to present himself as an isolationist, also said Israel should not be “micromanaged” while it carries out the genocide because Jesus was born in the region.

America has been led around for too long by Jewry money and this bizarre Ziongelical cult that thinks if they suck Jew cock, they are saved by God and they don't need Jesus. These modern Jews as I have stated long and longer are Asian Ukrainians in the Ashkenaz. They are not Shemites like Americans, Germans and Iranians. Yes in the Biblical blood trail, Americans are related to Assyrian Germans and Elam Persians. Modern converted Jews are related to Russians through Noah's son Japheth.

As some helpful Ashkejew burned out my monitor and today turned my screen black by reducing the brightness, I really am not pleased with all this terrorism coming out of Tel Aviv.

Donald Trump needs to be an American and not a Jew ass kisser. Americans do not been to be bankrupted or bleeding. The best solution for the Jew is for Donald Trump to state a new policy as Jared Kushner's Abraham Accords were destroyed by Benjamin Netanyahu. This is what Donald Trump needs to embrace.

First he needs to state that the Balfour Doctrine which created the modern Jewish state has been a disaster. This needs to be rejected as Harry Truman was a moron for recognizing the Jewish state.

The Ashkenaz do not live in the state of Tel Aviv. They live in majority in the State of New York, California, Florida and Texas and vote dual citizen against Americans. Dual citizenship voting must be ended and these citizens of the state of Tel Aviv need to be returned to this metro city state.

The state of Tel Aviv must be disarmed. It will be handed over to Europeans to manage as a metro state of self determination and protected by Europe.

The lands seized from Muslims from the Golan to the West Bank are returned to Syria and Jordan.

A Philistine state will join Gaza and the West Bank. Only the English could have produced a Jew state so vulnerable and hodgepodge drawn which has erupted nothing but violence. That ends.with the Lame Cherry redrawing the map.

The Red Line shows new Juland. The second map shows how tidy it is as Syria gets the Golan and the Philistines are in the South.

No arming of Philistines as they are a Jordanian and Egyptian protectorate.

Mr. Trump brings Russia into this to deal with Iran to stop arming Hamas and Hezbollah, as both cease needing arms as the Philistines have their motherland, and all the land the Jews seized has been returned.

Donald Trump really needs to stop being led around by Mosaad notes. He needs to be Inspired in giving peace a chance. He never started any wars and this is the step the American People want, in everyone has had it with being lied to over this entire situation.

America has oil and gas. We have no interests in the Mideast and most places. We need to get out of this and let the world uncork on each other and not on America. We need to be a George Washington Republic of isolationism in being friend to all and trading with all.

It is dangerous to confront Russia and China, and it is stupid in the economic hurt that bombing Iranian oil will cause Americans. Striking nuclear facilities in Iran solves nothing as you can not blow up uranium with a bomb no more than you can destroy gold by bombing it.

America does not need to generate this Sunni Shia Muslim war or any other religious war. If Donald Trump and JD Vance can not see the Christian Light of Peace, then they both need to get Jewish citizenship and go live in the state of Tel Aviv and reap the consequences of their policies, along with all the other dual citizen lurkers in America, and stop making war and bringing war into America.

Nuff Said
