Sunday, October 6, 2024

That Donald Trump DIA Connection

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is just for your information to understand something about Donald Trump and why he was fostered by the Defense Intelligence Agency. It has to do with his genius uncle, John Trump, of MIT. If you read Mr. Trump's biography on Wikipedia, it sounds rather bland from this CIA site, until you start reading between the lines in the work he was engaged in. It was all about high voltage electrical waves, which are described as benign, but the same electronic ray which sterilized sewage of bacteria and viruses is DARPA's next generation weapon to start fires in Hawaii.

Below are few quotes and everything in those quotes, anyone with technical genius could turn into weapon of mass destruction, and by the reality, the did in Ronald Reagan's Star Wars. PS: If you want to know what happened to Nikola Tesla's work, it was confiscated, and John Trump produced a document which stated that nothing Tesla was working on could be used by an enemy state as a weapon. Look at the Van de Graaff generators and you see Tesla all through them. Again John Trump worked on this generator at MIT, three years after seeing Tesla's work.

In 1946, Trump, Robert J. Van de Graaff, and Denis M. Robinson initiated the High Voltage Engineering Corporation (HVE) to produce Van de Graaff generators.

In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Office of Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings. Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla artifacts, which were being held in government custody.[9] After a three-day investigation, Trump's report concluded that none of the artifacts would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands

He researched using an electron beam from a high voltage accelerator as the deactivating agent in the treatment of municipal wastewater sludge. The High Voltage Research Laboratory developed a prototype system that was tested at one of Boston's wastewater treatment plants, and it was able to provide bacterial and viral disinfection via continuous on-line treatment.

Then there was that weaponized radar thing which Mr. Trump was involved with.

The new institution came to be called the MIT Radiation Laboratory, or the "Rad Lab". As wartime shortages in Britain increased, many of its radar researchers would move to the well-funded laboratory at MIT, where they helped create groundbreaking progress in developing practical devices and systems, which would see widespread field deployment in combat.

The British had already started researching radar, which they termed Radio Direction Finder (RDF). Their Tizard Mission to the US showed how much more advanced they were with some of the key technologies, particularly the magnetron. The US decided to send a team to Britain to help coordinate their efforts with the "British Branch of the Radiation Laboratory" (BBRL), which operated as a department of Britain's Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) at Malvern, in Worcestershire. From February 1944 to the end of the war in Europe, Trump was the director of the BBRL.

 As we add to Mr. Trump's resume, he also was involved in high voltage x ray machines.

Together with Robert J. Van de Graaff, he developed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators

During World War II, Trump switched from work on hospital X-ray machines to research into similar technologies, especially the development of radar. During 1940, he joined the newly formed National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), as technical aide to Karl Compton, president of MIT, who was serving also as the chairman of the radar division within the NDRC

The Van de Graaff generator was originally developed as a particle accelerator for physics research, as its high potential can be used to accelerate subatomic particles to great speeds in an evacuated tube. It was the most powerful type of accelerator until the cyclotron was developed in the early 1930s. Van de Graaff generators are still used as accelerators to generate energetic particle and X-ray beams for nuclear research and nuclear medicine

Now you can believe the CIA bullshit below that Mr. Trump never was involved in weapons research, but that is like saying Henry Ford wasn't involved in military weapons in making cars, when Ford Motor Company was a mass producer of tanks.

James Melcher, Trump's lab director, is quoted as saying: "John, over a period of three decades, would be approached by people of all sorts because he could make megavolt beams of ions and electrons – death rays... What did he do with it? Cancer research, sterilizing sludge out in Deer Island [a waste disposal facility], all sorts of wondrous things. He didn't touch the weapons stuff.

Scratch this and it makes more sense why Donald Trump moved where he did, not as a real estate developer, but as the nephew of the Spock of future weapons. The nuclear scientists provided all of the cover in this in the Manhattan Project, when it was the electrical engineers who were producing the basic framework of Star Wars. For those who think that Tesla's work is hidden away or lost, it is not. Just look at the high voltage generators which John Trump produced. That is Tesla in operation in all of these future weapons.

The Obama patsies from Mockingbird CIA have attempted to skew this connection of Donald Trump and his Uncle John, but it is there and the Lame Cherry maxim prevails in, "Produce enough energy and that energy will produce a violent destructive force".

Nuff Said

