Friday, October 4, 2024

Jew Force None


As dangerous as a butterfly in modern warfare.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait have declared "neutrality" and will NOT allow the U.S. to use their air bases to attack Iran.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What you are about to read in this white paper intelligence assessment is as huge as when the 72 War was concluded in the Mideast and the state of Tel Aiv had burned out all their French Mirage fighters on combat sorties, leaving them without air defenses.

There has been allot of bullshit coming out of the Pentagon on Jake Sullivan and bluff out of Tel Aviv in making Iran pay over the Persian legal action of defending itself after Tel Aviv was murdering people and allies of Iran. No one though in Mockingbird or all media has noticed something which the Lame Cherry is going to deal with exclusively.

The Jews have only 50 combat operational F 35 nuclear suicide bombers. 25 more will appear in 2028 under contract. Iran neutralized 25 F 35s' with their missile barrage. This leaves only Tel Aviv with 35 operational type F 35's and do not bank on that number as the Jews are the only nation allowed to screw around with the F 35 in upgrades. This last batch of 35's was purchased just a year ago. They are still being sorted out.

In addition to this, Tel Aviv was relying on the heavy F 15 to drop bunker busters on Muslims. Iran hit and disabled this fleet too.

What the Lame Cherry is stating in the 500 pound gorilla in the room that Russia and Iran know, and everyone knows and is not stating is that the state of Israel DOES NOT HAVE AIR COVER ANY MORE, except from the United States and perhaps Jordan. Tel Aviv is as exposed is Kiev in Ukraine. The Patriot or Iron Dome batteries were shot through by Iranian missiles and drones.

This all comes from the unspoken fact that Russia, in their military, provided Iran with intelligence and coordination to the Iranian military in this retaliatory strike on Tel Aviv. Iran blew up oil facilities. the F 15 base, the F 35 base, struck at Mosaad headquarters and in a devastating cutting the Jews off at the nut sack, Iran struck Jewish troops in infantry, and artillery and tanks massing in grouping areas, and they obliterated these formations. That is why you are not hearing Tel Aviv cocking off about invading Lebanon, and why you are not hearing about bunker strikes on Lebanon. The Russian intelligence was complete and the Iranian missiles were accurate. In just under an hour, Iran crippled the Jewish air force and their northern invasion force into Lebanon.

If you want the real jack shit about this, Muslim militants from across the Mideast could literally advance and drive the Jews into the sea. The Jew is naked and without clothes.

Jews will buy 25 F-35 aircraft from the United States, the Israeli Defense Ministry announced Sunday, July 2, 2023, in a deal that increases Israel’s arsenal of the stealth fighter jets by 50%. 

All the Jewish air force has left is under 100 worthless F 16 Storm variants. The reason they are worthless and why the Jews were so hot to get the F 35's first as the Syrians were shooting down F 16's with their 125's or the Russian S 200 missile. The 200 is bottle rockets compared to the 300 and 400 which Russia has deployed. These F 16's are not a match for SAM systems and that is why the Jews were dumping them wholesale back into American and Canada and why the Pentagon was buying F 35's for the Jews while Americans can not afford the cost of living.

 Israeli Air Force still operates 47 F-16D Brakeet operational trainers and 97 F-16I Sufa combat variants, ensuring continued capabilities and strength.

This Israeli F-16I Sufa Fighter Was Shot Down by Syria

Jul 3, 2019 ... Noteworthy on Mar. 17, 2015, a U.S. MQ-1 Predator drone was shot down by a Syrian Air Defense Force S-125 missile while on intelligence flight ...

Israel sells old F-16s to US, Canada to use as training planes

Jan 28, 2021 ... Israel has in the past struggled to sell its retired fighter jets. In 2019, Israel was forced to scrap a deal to sell retired F-16s to Croatia ...

IF the Jews attempted to strike Iran, the F 16's would be destroyed as Iran has the Russian 300 and 400 systems operational. Tel Aviv does not have enough operational F 35's to both defend Tel Aviv, or carry out a war in Lebanon, or to try and strike Iran. Tel Aviv loses what it has left and all they have are rocks to throw at an invading army or at another air force.

This is not conjecture. It is reality. The Jewish war machine has had it's fangs pulled by Iran and Russia. This is why the Jews were using missiles to strike Russian bases in Syria. They can not afford to lose any jets as no one has any jets they can borrow or steal. It is all bluff by the Jews.

Before you celebrate this, the Lame Cherry will project something below. Meet you on the other side.

So the Mideast is going neutral. They do not want nuclear Iran targeting them and they do not want nuclear Jew striking them. Tel Aviv, and that is why they hit Russia in Syria in an attempt to sucker Russia into this war so America would have to respond..........yes Tel Aviv just tried to get New York and American carriers nuked, is that Tel Aviv has no air force. They need the American platforms which means a nuclear war.

Iran restrained itself after the first Tel Aviv assassination of the Philistine Peace Ambassador, on assurances from DC and London that a ceasefire would be instituted in Gaza. The Iranian President declared that Americans and English were liars and would never be trusted again for peace. Iran then struck the state of Tel Aviv after this Merkel type bluff of peace with Ukraine was foisted upon Vladmir Putin.

In projecting this, the Tel Aviv messianics have two options as they have been humiliated and their war footing is shot in the foot. The Jews can either as Mosaad has been whispering, blame Iran for Butler type events against the leading American candidates, to force America into a nuclear stance on Iran hiding behind international law, or Tel Aviv can create a nuclear terror strikes inside the United States which will force America to respond as on 9 11 when the dancing Jews were celebrating as American were being pulverized in plane crashes and pulled towers.

That is the danger in this and it needs to be known and examined to stop what are the Tel Aviv and Kaganite options as this Kiev and Tel Aviv group has stopped at nothing in trying to force America into a war with other nations for their benefit.

This is all the Jews have in their Red Heifer time table which this all started on the Babylonian new year at end of September. Yom Kippur was supposed to be a crippling victory over Hezbollah and nuclear decapitation of Iran, and that is not going to take place in Lebanon and as Russia green lighted the Iranian strikes upon understanding that nuclear elements were going to be introduced into Iran, the hidden hand is known and Tel Aviv is not going to risk it's blood when American goy blood is ready to be poured out by the Gayzion Lindsey Graham in his calls to destroy Iranian oil production which is already driving up fuel prices for Americans.

The short is Tel Aviv no longer has an operational air force for forward operations against Syria, Yemen and Iran. The lesson in this is for all nations in that for defense, thee American F 21 fighter is all they need and buying a few thousands Iranian hypersonics will obliterate all regional problems. Hit the F 35 on land, hit military concentrations, fire large number of missiles for overwhelming air defense, and all your enemy can do is bluff.

For the good of the world, the Jewish state which is Ashkenaz Asians, not Jews, needs to be handed over to the Europeans as a protective zone and administered by the Vatican. It has no purpose as the Jews are fleeing again to the New York and LA as the Jew has no affinity for defending this violent illusion of a chosen race from a Peaceful God. Create a Philistine state and let the world declare a peace  before America is manipulated again into more genocide and holocaust.

Iran accomplished this with a few hundred missiles. Iran has thousands. It is time to save the Jews from themselves, and return them all from America and Europe to a Tel Aviv city state in which European troops will be the protectors as the final solution in this, or this will go nuclear as Tel Aviv has wasted billions in American gifts of weapons in the worst policy since France miscalculated the Reich of Adolf Hitler.

The initial story covering the then-ongoing air strikes is HERE.

More than 30 missiles were fired at the Russians by Israeli aircraft and naval vessels.  Russia returned fire.

With this morning's warning telling the approximately 1.5 MILLION Russian citizens to "Leave Israel immediately, get out before it's too late" it appears Russia is going to smash Israel with military strikes.

Nuff Said
