Friday, October 4, 2024



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So like I was in the Thrift and not into buying flashlights as I pretty much have topped things out in flashlights after the horseshit lights they sell now which suck shit times 10 from Chinaman anus.

Anyway, I'm standing there, same place I picked up this 4 battery torch, for 2.50, from the east coast, as I can not buy batteries for that and it had batteries in it......and I was told I can recharge them, this is a deal for me.

So anyway, same location and there is this 2 cell double AA brown thing. I pick it up and it is heavy. Means batteries inside.  Damn thing is not working though. So I start opening it up and it has copper top Duracels  in it, and I start putting it back together in weighing if it is worth the price of the batteries ........when suddenly it comes on. Wow the fix of all fixes, just open the flashlight and shift the batteries and you have an LED blinding light torch.

I get it and am pleased.

I was confused by the wood though as why a wood flashlight. Got home and read the writing and it said Menards. That is a real erection store for people who like Home Depot kinds of shit with a wood smell. Not interested at all in the store nor in where this freebie came from that cost me 1.50 or was it 80 cents. I forget as I got some really heavy duty old dude socks  for a short footed old man who died and his socks came into the Thrift for 90 cents a pair. I have tons of socks now for winter but not going to pass up some industrial dead guy's socks......I have a story here.

In 3rd grade I got sick. I don't know what it was or really remember as no one knows this story but me, but maybe it was the time my head got cut off and they sewed it back on with twine string, as I was out of school for like a week.

So we get back or I get back as little sister was still battling inside with me and the lesson was apostrophes. The teacher had moved on and was not going to fuck around with me in teaching me something or was it 4th grade.......anyway I think it was 3rd as it was second floor  not basement aisle and the thing was I just had to do the reading of what was the lesson.  Is why they have teachers as my comprehension was shit as a kid in reading directions , but to me the directions or the lesson said that if you have an apostrophe, you have it like IT IS, and IT'S looks like this. Then you got ownership like Lames' Cherry. You get the drift, but I swear I read that the third kind was an apostrophe directly over the S. I have no idea why that was, maybe it was something about no ownership, no IS or US involved and you just put the apostrophe over the S to show is something.
TL tells me there are 3 positions for the apostrophe, and I probably still get it wrong, but as no teacher grades me here and it is another excuse for a non donor, what else is new. Like Bed Fuzz was just cock bent about ALLOT, drove that fuzz nuts that he was a genius, no one listened to him, picked fights on Facebook and probably got me banned which did not help lots of people so Bed Fuzz can answer for that in hell.

I digress.

But I got an F for that, went on to my other high marks to make up for it, and always was a 90% child most of the time without trying as it was school so why would anyone put effort into school.

So I got this dude flashlight for dudes. I have hung him with my feed sack string off the it is not on the gun rack, is behind the door in the bathroom. Is a pretty blinding light if you are into blinding yourself but not as LED bright as that 35 dollar light I got out of the Thrift for 1.50 or something when I swore off buying any more flashlights. Maybe I have these lights because in the future tense the lights will go off. That sucks as I would prefer a fireplace for light in the dark and sleeping in the dark, not sitting there with a flashlight to remind me I'm in the dark.

Sort of like the 3 positions for apostrophes. No one is going to give a damn about that shit in dark times. Not like someone is going to say, "I don't want sex with your hot wife, but unless you can tell me the correct placement of an apostrophe, I'm not going to sell you any food".

I don't think I'm going to be purchasing any more flashlights, unless of course they are full of batteries.

Nuff Said
