Sunday, October 13, 2024

Massive Chemtrail Spraying


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Stefan Verstappen of Ontario Canada mentioned on 10/11 on the Rense program that there was massive chemtrail spraying going on there and he had the HAARP HACK.

The photo above is from 10/13, which was shared with me from the northern great plains. These same chem trails are in the northwest too. This is the 3rd time this massive spraying has been unleashed in 5 days. I know the HAARPies are attempting to move the jet and bring freezes and colder air into the northern part of America and Canada, because that 500 year warm drought cycle is pressing in. It just stuns me that after the horrendous damage that Helene and Milton unleashed, that they have the balls to say FUCK YOU and are dumping more chemicals into the stratosphere than anyone has ever seen.

In most cases, you get a HAARP pattern, and then the wind and storms and they quit. There has nevere been this intense or massive spraying on record as if you look at the above photo closely, you can see there are jets spraying into the spray patterns in they are double loading the atmosphere.

Now this not going to chem poison fall on the plains. This will move off to the east coast  and dump in the hurricanes or into the ocean, as these geniuses have so polluted the soil in the grain belt that it will not sprout .......well it was killing Monsanto Bayer crops, so that is why they stopped making it rain as they had killed the soil by making it so metal acidic.

We are all going to find out what evil they are generating in this, as last spring they had to slam several massive storms to get that warm Hi Pressure dislodged on the plains. It generated back by end of July as that is what it naturally does.

At the moment, these tons of chemicals dumped into the sky will generate in probablly more massive spraying this coming week, "seasonal temperatures". I do not see the point, as they want a drought, so they can get these Pavlov farmers to start drilling water wells for irrigation, the same way they got these idiots to drain all the land in tiling it, and before that herded them into building metal grain they drove them to GPS farming so tractors steer themselves. The final phase after bankrupting these idiots with this drought, is to seize their land for corporate robotic farming.

That is another story, but it is a study of what these horrid and evil people are engaged in, and we only discern their insanity once they unleash in what is this terrorism on the northern jet stream by the evidence above.

Nuff Said

