Sunday, October 13, 2024

To Inherit the Silk Sheets.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Almost 2 decades ago, I remember a guest on Rense who stated that the United States had 100 million foreigners at large.

So when the Lame Cherry points out to you the fudging of census data which did not make sense, and published data shows 320 million Americans now.............that the real figure and reasons for shortages is the United States really has 500 million people. With Obama Trump and Biden, the split is now about even in 250 million invaders and 250 Americans.

Biden has been pouring criminals into America and none of them are vaxed.

These invaders are now deposited into every community in the United States. Now ask yourself as Small Pox vaxes quit around 1970, so these GENS are not vaxed............what is going to happen if some Fauci gain of function releases a pox and the active conduits are all these dirty foreigners, who mostly in Eurasians have gotten the TB shot.

Whatever the disease it will spread like wildfire. GENS will contract it too. There does not need to be any exotic diseases or nuclear war EMP. The entire manifestation is in America, Europe and Oz with even more weakened immunity in the 90% of sheeple Darwins who took that vax.

The Boomers were the  last pox vaxed. That tail end now is 1955 to 1964, and into 1970, so you are talking about a group of 50 to 75 year olds, Not exactly warrior fighting material, but that is all that is left in America is this 50 million minus group.

Those are the realities of what is out there in these walking plague spreaders and the final solution option which is already in motion.

These invaders will be incubation carriers, not survivors to inherit rich people's silk sheets.

Nuff Said

