Saturday, October 26, 2024

More COVID Disease Outbreak

Don't look so down, you have cancer of the toenail. Of course,
it is new, but I had it on the lottery board and you made me 20 bucks.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is from three of our friends, concerning the mRNA vaxes, the current flu and COVID vax.

Subject 1: Gary. History is the vax, which gave him bloodclots and almost killed him. Eye degeneration and early diabetes. Currently his daughter threatened him that he either took the Covid shot or he could not see the new grandchild. He did on Tuesday, and looked like shit within 12 hours. He was flu sick with watery eyes and upset stomach. There is not any way a flu vax should bowl someone over like this, but we have witnessed these mRNA vaxes knocking the hell out of people within hours.

Subect 2: Shelly. Prior history, ovarian cancer from the vax. She was gutted like a fish. 6  months later after having the all clear she had a heart attack. Then pancreatic cancer. Then from scar tissue, she had intestinal blockage. The chemo did wipe out the pancreatic cancer which was amazing in this did not happen with the original strains of biocancers.

Being all clear, her doctor is now putting her on 2 years of chemo treatments. Translation they can arrest these turbo cancers, but they come back like a wildfire. I suspect the 2 years is what the doctor thinks she will live to.

Subject 3: Darwin. Prior history, only aging from the vax. Currently, he had lost a great deal more hearing in his right ear. The ear doc, told him he should go to his main doctor and get checked out. Tests found nothing. The Catscan though turned up a cancer which was growing around his carotid artery. It is not operable, but survival is 90%. He will take chemo and radiation.

His wife mentioned something in passing to us, which I was not going to follow up on, as she said, "Everyone has something". She must be hearing of widespread illnesses now in many people in her sphere.

These autumn vaxes appear to be quite troubling in making people with mRNA alterations sick immediately. The doctors know these cancers can be checked, but they keep coming back. Absolutely weird cancers in these VANCERS are appearing. Some type of spider cancer growing around an artery? This is not typical.

I just posted on this recently in the comments of Gerrt Vanden Boosche in not seeing the kind of auto immune diseases which were predicted, but in learning of 3 people we know in one day being in treatment, it shocks one into a reality that the pile of dead people we know, now has piles more of people in need of treatments.

I do not mention ivermectin or anything all these people can look for the same things which are widely available. People want the treatment they are  white coat comforted by and do not need me waving wands at them with promises.

I would be happier if the good people were not getting sick and these sons of bitches who should be dead were going down with this stuff.

Nuff Said

