Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Jewocracy of 1940


Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. agreed with his father’s view regarding the Jews in Germany and the United States prior to WW 2. JFK Presidential Library

“As long as she (Britain) is in there, we have time to prepare”, he was quoted as having said, stating that the crux of the issue was the ensuing six months. He added, “It isn’t that she’s fighting for democracy. That’s the bunk. She’s fighting for self-preservation, just as we will if it comes to us…” Kennedy also claimed that the American people were being misled regarding the causes and fighting of the war. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a historical meeting between Ambassador Joseph Kennedy Sr with then President Harry Truman in the Oval Office where he stated that Franklin Roosevelt had murdered his son.
It is of interest that Frank Roosevelt's son, Elliot was flying the plane behind Joe jr's plane which blew up mysteriously.

I'm  not going to make comment on the quotes of Joseph Kennedy Sr. These are historical statements which are up to you to interpret them and to make a judgment on them.


Both ambassadors believed the Germans were justified in removing Jewish people from civil service and other positions, and Joe Kennedy Sr. shared his views with his son, Joe Jr. The latter wrote after touring Germany,

“The dislike of the Jews, however, was well-founded. They were at the heads of all big-business…”

The father responded in kind, informing his son that the majority of the critical attacks of his position (75%) were from “Jewish publishers and writers”, who, “in their zeal did not hesitate to resort to slander and falsehood to achieve their aims”. Kennedy was aware by the time of Munich (September, 1938) that Roosevelt was losing patience with him, and told a British reporter that he believed that Roosevelt would be out of office following the election of 1940. He added, “The Democratic policy of the United States is a Jewish production”

In May 1938, Kennedy met informally with the German Ambassador to Great Britain, Herbert von Dirksen. The talks were informal in that they had not been approved by the State Department. During the conversation, Kennedy explained that FDR’s position over the Nazis was skewed by Jewish influence, which kept the president misinformed over the true intentions of the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler. Ambassador Dirksen informed Joaquin von Ribbentrop that Kennedy was Germany’s “best friend” in London, who would continue to support appeasement policies as Hitler moved forward to seize the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.

All of this began after Frank Roosevelt used Joe Sr. as a hatchetman to destroy the Catholic voice against the rapine of the New Deal in Father Coughlin, who was warning of Jewish control of America. Roosevelt silenced this voice by changing broadcast laws.

Father Charles Coughlin was a former FDR supporter who turned against the president in 1934, excoriating him on radio broadcasts and newspapers and magazine articles as a “tool of the rich”. By 1934 Coughlin was broadcasting to his large audience, many of whom were Catholic and all of whom were far-right, antisemitic messages which also demanded the federal government nationalize the railroads, the financial industry, communications, and other industries. Near the end of the decade Coughlin, who like Kennedy was Irish-Catholic, was supporting many of the policies of the Nazis and the Fascists in Europe.

After Kennedy warned the president that Coughlin was becoming “very dangerous” FDR tasked him with finding a way to silence him. Kennedy approached then Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, Francis Spellman, who in turn contacted Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, Secretary of State for the Vatican. Coughlin was finally silenced through a combination of Church orders and changes to broadcast licensing regulations which deemed the airwaves a “limited national resource”, regulated as publicly owned. Cardinal Pacelli later was elevated to the papacy, serving as Pope Pius XII.

Considering that Jewry organized the elimination of JFK and RFK, it is rather Joe Kennedy coming late to the realization in he eliminated Father Coughlin, to install a District of Crooks Pope.

Frank Roosevelt was an international socialist. His regime was full of communist spies.

Faith in Princes - Jewish Review of Books

“The Jews,” Arthur Hertzberg wrote, “loved Franklin Delano Roosevelt with singular and unparalleled passion.” In 1932, 82 percent of the Jewish vote went to ...
