Monday, October 14, 2024

Only Despots Want The Electoral College Eliminated

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have written of this before but as Tampon Tim of Mao has called for the destruction of the Constitution in safeguards, this subject of the Electoral College is in need to be spoken of again as the Founders were geniuses in putting this in.

That is what has always amazed me in how these Inspired men came up with the system of Government and election which they did. They studied a great deal, but not a great deal was ever written of the Electoral College which has been eroded as we do not elect a President the way the Founders stipulated. 

\Meet you on the other side.

Communist Walz Says Electoral College 'Needs To Go'

The base of the US Constitution as James Madison framed it and the Founders debated and honed it in the hot summer of Philadelphia was set in the Declaration of Independence in one theme, to guard against tyranny

Tyranny is unbridled power used to suppress the people and in every facet of the Constition that is what the checks and balances to the Amendments were focused on. It was LIMITED granted power for short periods of time to a centralized ELECTED Government in a Republic which represented the People as the real power.

So what is the Electoral College? The small states in the Union were warry of large states like Virginia and New York, bulling their way through due to high populations which could out vote small states. In modern realities, Wyoming is no match for California as even most groups of states can not match the metro dictatorships of New York and California. 
In the Government, this was balanced by the House which represented populations so that high population states like New York would not meet the tyranny of a Vermont who could have more power or equal power to a large population state if this was negated. In turn the US Senate was based upon 2 Senators from each state. New York and Vermont were equal and in this case Vermont was more powerful as there were more small states than large States so, Vermont and small states could neutralize the vote of the House in population power.

That is what the Constitution focused on.........DELAY, DELAY, DELAY, DELAY and DELAY some more. If there was some way to delay a process, the Constitution did this, because it knew the population might be swayed to tragic self destruction in voting in some popular group who might be liars and turn on the military and police on them. So Madison wanted a cooling off period in elections. In fact, Madison had the President voted for by the Congress in the Electoral College around 6 months later than the election, just in case something came up and people changed their minds. America still takes almost 3 months to hand governance over from one President and Congress to another, and the Congress goes first in January to hold a stable platform.

Now we are coming to the Electoral College which are delegates from each of our states. You really are not voting for a political candidate. You are voting for the people in your state to vote for the person you are voting for. That is the Electoral College. This group meets to cast there votes after the eleciotn and then as we saw on Jan6, they provide that vote tally to Congress which then votes to certify that vote. Only then is someone affirmed as elected, after literally 3 bodies of Americans, in the people at large, the Electoral College and Congress agree to that vote for a President and Vice President.

The Founders did not want some popular tyrant or a people who were terrified in some disaster or invasion to vote for someone they would later reget. That is why it takes 3 months to hand authority over to a new President and Congress. It was to give the People time to review the results and it also took the fury of elections from the mob, put it into fervent representatives from each state to vote  again, and then have the States again in more cooling off, review the election so it was taken out of the mob's hands.

That is what was wrong with Jan6. All those people who have been hounded and frame by the FBI wanted was a simple honest review and hearing over the election fraud. We know for certain now that it was mail in fraud which took the election from Donald Trump and installed Joe Biden. Congress and the Supreme Court failed in their checks and balances. In this, this is where the Founders were right again in fending off trouble in the system used to present before Congress the leading vote getter, and in that the person who gained the majority was President and the person with the next number of voters became Vice President.

Even with an election theft on the original system, the majority who voted for Donald Trump would have had Mr. Trump as Vice President. They would have not been denied evertything and Mr. Trump would still be in the executive representing that majority.

If you read the way the Founders set this system up, it was beyond genius. The problems we have had is when the original system was tampered with. One begins to appreciate the Founders even more in their God gifted Inspiration and are in a glowing raptured awe of how they figured all of this out to keep our Republican form of Government safe, meaning keeping each of us safe from factional or mob tyranny.

So when you hear Tampon Tim throwing fire brands in the Molotov Mob, against the Electoral College, there are only two conclusions, Tim Walz is either an ignoramus or Tim Walz is a despot advocate who will deprive the minority, the weak who do not have the police state, military and corporate advancing them, and Walz is going to disenfranchise the many for the few.

All of us needs  to seek out the Constitution. We need to support it as it was written. What we have now in this 2024 AD in the year of our Lord election is a reality that come January, Donald Trump would be elected President, and it would be Robert Kennedy II who would be elected by Congress with the next number of votes as Vice President.  Party which George Washington detested would be gone. We woul have to find common ground, more than Thomas Jefferson's poison which brought down John Adas, but that is part of this system to as Mr. Trump would have checked Joe Biden and Robert Kennedy would be moulding Mr. .Trump into more of a populist for the People.

America needs less Tim Walz idiocy, as America needs to return to the Founders in candidates elected in majority and minority numbers and that is who becomes President and  Vice President as there never would have been a Jan6 had this happened.

America needs more protections and delays, not less.

Nuff Said

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
