Monday, October 14, 2024

Stung By A HAARP Radiation


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you remember the scam that your freon in your air conditioner was causing the ozone layer to be destroyed...........there was another reality being unleashed in chem trails and upper atmsphere high frequency heating taking place which was having an effect.

The summer of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord and the autumn featured some pluzzling and deadly things in the Brier Patch.  I had a number of pot plants and with it not being that hot out, the plants were literally cooked brown.

Most of you have felt that stinging heat on your skin. That is shorter length radiation light in the Ultra Violet. What we are experiencing now is not the normal lesser UV radiations as I have tried to explain for years, after my tomatoe plants in my garden wilted decades ago like they had been cooed. This is becoming more pronounced as I was watching the deadly affects this year on all of the lilac bushe in this region were brown and horrid looking......they had been poisoned and cooed in being the most vulnerable to what is taking place.

There is no joke in this as the world is now heating, unless chem sprays are in the atmopsher to blck the sun or there are massive chem cooling spraying taking place, turning nights frigid and days scalding. TL mentions daily how it is ust 70 degree and it feels like 85 as the sun is ust burning hot.

This is not HAARP alone as the sun does cycle, and what we have is the weather mod manipulationg which will not stop and the sun is producing a higher level of cooking radiation. Daen WIintonton has piopointed what is taking place in this UV scale as he has done some wonderful work in getting people in Congress educated so people actually have an answer to why they are being stung by the sun..........or HAARP.

What we have entered into is a 500 year drought cycle by the sun, which means warmer and dryer air. Into this are the HAARP warriors who want to control the weather for power and profit. They are ringed by these Bill Gate nuts who want to dim the sun by spraying the atmosphere to affect a natural event in a natural increase of solar radiation. The answer IS NOT MORE SPRAYING, no more than the doctor pill poppers who give you one pill which has side effects and another pill to deal with that.

STOP spraying the weather, and the atmosphere will naturally deal with the UV rays as it always has. This cult though of global extremists is self funding, off books and destroys anyone who tries to put an end to this weather control which is out of control.

The sun is not the problem. The earth is not the problem The problem is the feudal few for power who are out of control.

I will make the point in this which needs to be understood. Since this blog exposed the super storms o winter two years ago, everyone knows in Eurasian the reason for radiation control in the event of a war and that these storms are generated and enhanced. It appears with Helene and Milton that...........ok i you nutty neighbor has a 4th of July pile of fireworks going off as it should, and another nutty Chinese or Russian invader sees that and throws in a few sticks of dynamite, it is going to go bad.

The Eurasians can see what the German Lezbo's of HAARP are building. They have jets which they can fly in commercial lines and add to the chem spraying to spike the rise of rain and temperatures. So instead of a HAARP terror attack, it looks like a weather warfare attack in the Carolinas with all the secret bunkers there designed for the bunker state to keep the war going against Russia and China, and now they are flooded.

The same with Milton off the Yucatan when Cat 5 immediately. That loos like someone spiked that system which was supposed to be a Cat 3 or 4 to drive Trump out of Florida or bad reasons. It had to be cooled and reduced before it hit Florida in the steering.

When you have these Weather Mods using immense resources, and you have someone figuring out they only need to add a little bit of dynamite to make them super storms, that appears to be the case in what is taking place now.

The remedy is that we  know the spraying platforms,  we know the radiation generators, so whoever is giving the orders to be arrested and hung in a quick trial. Any storm appears........same solutoin and this weather warfare stops immediately.

For now, I hope the sting of the sun continues as Americans need a nice mild winter to relax in.

Types of UV Rays

  • UVA – The most common UV ray from the sun and most dangerous, UVA can penetrate the skin down to the middle layer.
  • UVB – A shorter wavelength than UVA that can only penetrate the skin to the top layer. The earth’s ozone layer stops some UVB rays from reaching the surface. Treated glass also can stop UVB rays.
  • UVC – The ozone layer stops all UVC rays from the sun. Therefore, the only exposure humans get to UVC is from artificial sources such as lasers or welding torches.

UVA rays

The sun is the main source of all UV rays on earth. However, man-made sources of UVA rays can include lights made to mimic sunlight for therapy or tanning purposes. UVA rays can be deflected off the skin by using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater.

UVB rays

The earth’s ozone layer prevents some UVB rays from reaching the earth’s surface. However, it does not stop all UVB rays. Luckily UVB rays cannot pass through glass, so you are protected from UVB rays when in the car or at home. Sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater also will deflect UVB rays.

UVC rays

UVC rays come from the sun, but the earth’s ozone layer prevents all UVC rays from reaching the earth’s surface. Man-made sources of radiation, however, such as lights, welding torches, or lasers also can emit UVC rays. UVC rays cannot penetrate the skin as deeply as UVA or UVB, but UVC rays can be particularly harmful to the eyes. Never look directly at a UVC light source.

Nuff Said

