Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Putin In Charge Of America

Just remember Barry that you destroy America completely
or Americans will become Putin's allies and destroy the Central Committee.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People have missed the most obvious of subterfuge in the control of America and that is the fact that British Indonesia subject, Barack Hussein Obama, implemented the plan that Vladimir Putin did in leaving office, in order to stay in power.

For those who require an history lesson. when Mr. Putin left the presidency of Russia, he put into place a rather malleable and weak Dmitry Medvedev, who has since grown teeth. When Medvedev's term expired, Mr. Putin installed himself again and changed the constitution.

For Birther Obama, he worked out a deal with Hamrod Clinton, to protect the Obama crime group and to continue on with the genocide wars and upheavals in the 3rd world to flood America with invaders to seize complete Frank Roosevelt control of America forever for the Intrnationals Socialists.

Donald Trump in the DIA aborted that plan for 4 years, but that is what Joe Biden was chosen for. Obama thought Biden would die, and this retarded Kamala Harris would be installed, and in that Big Mike Obama would become the Vice President, and then President when Kamala Coup was finished and Obama Inc. would be sitting their swamp water asses in 1600 Penn again.

To clarify this, Obama left the building on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord. There never was an Obama really. It was a creation from the internationalists. What followed on June 14th was a representation of the Designer Negro by committee. That is what has been pulling Biden's strings for our years and the chief internationalists are the Kaganite Ashkejews with the Neocons, laundering money in wars and their prime target is the raw resources of Russia from child butts to oil.

It is this committee, this cartel which has the AI version of Obama running around, measuing Daonld Trump's cock size in conventions and other disgusting manifestations, but what do you expect from primates who eat their own babies, reintroduced slave labor and eat their own like Governor Cuomo. That is what has emerged and is carrying out the Obama plan of the central committee ruling the United States and it is built not on the strong man of Putin, but the Designer Negro weakness of Obama. Obama took the Vladimir Putin plan to stay in power perpetually and that is what is ruining the world as the next weak link in Kabala Harris will finish off free societies across the globe, as this is all about the feudal few keeping absolute power.

This is the Obama Legacy of the Central Committee, to overthrow America which it has, to ruin America so Americans lose all ability to live beyond rationed death and rationed beans, and to hold absolute authority to round everyone up on Jan6 political charges, because the day will come when this Kabala Group will start hauling away liberals as they have Magites.

That is where we are at in the the same type of JP Morgan and European Rothschild bankers, in league with industrialists in the world, known as hedgefunds, who led by the central committee of Kaganites and Neocons are running and ruining this world as figurehead Obama worked the Putin plant to stay in power forever to Frank Roosevelt centralize authority in the few, ,so they will murder or haul away all who do not agree.

It is not Barry the Birther Obama, but the same central committee who funded and created this illegitimate poster boy which is driving this forward in another Frank Roosevelt clash of International Socialism against the National Socialism of Vladimir Putin.

It is the Central Committee and perhaps it is time that this group in the shadows which we see the extensions of in FBI, CIA, Homeland, Pentagon and Politic, be identified as Obama is the cuct out suit who measures cock size, but the committee is the one with the tape.

Russian interference was never the threat. It was Obama implementing Putin's plan in Russia, into America which needed a cover, so Despot Barry and the central committee were never focused upon.

Nuff Said
