Tuesday, October 15, 2024


At the same time, the German Defense Ministry "does not believe that Ukraine will soon be able" to conduct a counteroffensive, Bild reports.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

London Great Game has succeeded in making Germany the front for the war against Russia. The Germans sensing the dilemma of deliberately failed Kaganite polices in Ukraine, does not desire to have Germany struck by Russia.......meaning Ramstein Base where woke America has been running John the hero McCain policies against Russia in this era,.....Germany just does not want to get involved in this as a target.

Germany is not going to ship heavy armour anymore, which means America isnot furninshing any more tanks or carriers. The fact is that the F 16's are kaput too as Uncle Joe Biden does not want to get America nuked over long range strikes into Moscow.

'If you want this plainly, you are going to see the Trump Pax, so the leadeshsip of the Old Order can be borne to Biblical standards.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced one of the latest aid packages to Kiev on October 11. It will be allocated jointly with Belgium, Denmark and Norway, the total cost of weapons will be 1.4 billion euros. The assistance will include funds for Iris-T and Skynex air defense systems, Gepard tanks, howitzers, anti-aircraft guns, attack drones, radar equipment and artillery shells

Russia never has desired to venture beyond the old river line from Kiev to Odessa. Germany though desires the old empire line, Prussian Empire and that is the rub in this which London is in game form for.

The Kiev regime is finished. All Germany is engaged in now is a pinning actions against Moscow with this last shipment of arms. Russia has not any intention of crossing the river as it does not have forces to occupy. The children of Bulan have exterminated those pesky Slavic Orthodox Chritians in this war and with the targets dead, there is not really a reason to continue this, in this manner, as it would create piles of dead where there is not intended to create corpses.

Should Trump prevail over Biden in November, the former president has promised to all but toss the U.S.’ international commitments out the window, including threatening to withdraw from NATO if partners “don’t pay up.”

Now you see the essence of this game.Withdraw America, this will produce an ascending power in Europe to counter Russia. All of this has been by design. Keep your eye on the girl.

Nuff Said
