Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Jew State Solution


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the advent of refueling tankers
being flown into Turkey as Bidencon plays the good cop finger banging the 12 year old prostitute in the back alley, saying it does not agree with Tel Aviv attacks on Iran, the stage is being set for a reality that Tel Aviv's last 25 F 35's and not completely online are the force which will be blamed for hitting Iran's nuclear facilities

For the record, it took 80,000 pounds of bombs to concussion kill the Hezbollah leader in digging down to him in a series of bunker blasts. That is 16 5000 pound bombs carried by 16 F 15 heavy bombers. Iran lost most of those jets too in an Iranian retaliation. So you should get the point that Bidencon is either loaning jets to Tel Aviv, which is a violation of the law as America in the Reagan years use to place limits on what Tel Aviv could do with American weapons to stop this genocidal messianicals of Tel Aviv

Israeli Authorities Will Not Give The US Guarantees
Not To Attack Iranian Nuclear Facilities

Israel Promising New Attacks On Iranian Nuclear
Facilities That Biden Says He Won’t Back

Blinken Pushing For Long-Range Missiles For
Ukraine To Destroy Russia

American Plan For War With Iran Outlined In
This Influential Think Tank Paper

No one is falling for this Mockingbird Bidencon deception any more after Blinken an Nuland did nothing but lie in Ukraine and Blinken is pulling the same ruse in the Mideast. Iran defined America and England as liars over giving their word there would be a Gaza ceasefire. Iran is leaning the lesson that Russia has over fraud Munich peace agreements in it was London and DC lying again. The honest broker of America has vanished. America is now the good cop finger raping children in diplomacy in getting them ready for the bad cop rape and murder of Tel Aviv.

It is past the time for a 2 State Solution in the Mideast. What must now be the policy is redrawing the lines of the Jewish state to defenable boundaries, returning all lands to Arabs which were seized, and the complete disarming of Tel Aviv, with it being a  European protectorate, in Russia dealing with Iran ending arms to Hamas and Hezbollah and the reality of Jordan and Egypt being the security or Hamas and France in it's historical role protecting Lebanon in Hezbollah.
People forget what Lebanese was before Jimmy Carter and Tel Aviv. It was the place where everyone wanted to live. Lebanon functioned peacefully with Christians, Muslims, Arabs and whoever all voting and having a government. This was once the policy and it is time this is the policy and that begins with the ending of thinking with bombs first and war as diplomacy

Bold moves must be undertaken as Tel Aviv has proven along with these woke of London and DC in their international misadventures that they can not be entrusted with self government power. The world must have a two state solution and a policy of disarmament.

America can not blow up uranium. It exists beyond bombs. Iran already has nuclear weapons which it acquired and it is attempting to mae the Dr ahn cone warhead for it's missile force. This is a empty suit policy to bomb Iran as the materials remain and all it will do is activate Russia and China, and all other Muslim states, as Iran is now the superstar in the Muslim world in their weapons work to cripple Tel Aviv.

This is the Lame Cherry in another matter anti matter exclusive.

Nuff Said
