Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Opie Howard of Serial Murderers

His childhood was reportedly normal but he began exhibiting antisocial behavior by the onset of adolescence. Friends later recalled Baumeister's urophilia and how he used to "ponder what it would be like to taste human urine". Baumeister also enjoyed playing with dead animals and urinating on teachers' desks

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like all normal humans, I'm fascinated by inhuman deviancy in what causes it and how it manifests. It is why I was a pioneer of Forensic Psychology and why it is not helpful when media reports appear with bias and prejudice which furthers the understanding of these creatures.

Enter one, Herbert Baumeister, someone who looks like liberal actor Ron Howard, in a media report I came across of a male who appears to have been raped and molested as a child, by another male, and was programmed to both be allured by it and repulsed by it to rage in becoming a serial murderer.

HB is interesting  in he had a 10 year early phase of learning how to do what he was driven to do, and the a 10 year perfecting phase which can be summed up in dumping bodies in diches 10 years and then burning and grinding up bodies which he disposed of on his farm. All the while married, a father of 3 children, a successful businessman above reproach.

HB was thought to lure homosexual males, as he does have that Opie next door trusting face which appeals to the homosexual to sully the image up, from masturbating to the Andy Griffith show. What was not addressed was the forensic psychology in HB strangled those he lured in.The strangulation action was a manifestation of attempting to strangle the attraction he had for sodomy as he knew it was wrong, and why he was married and attempted to become the husband and father. The allure though was met with rage in strangling male who were a manifestation of what he could not control, having been molested and a prisoner to that programming.

What was not addressed is strangling is an intimate act  HB appeared to be a normal size male. Strangulation does not happen like in the movies. People fight and there is a great deal of violence. The conclusion is therefore, he must have drugged or gotten these homosexuals so inebriated that they could not resist.

His family background points to knowing chemically subduing of people.

 Baumeister, she told investigators, told her the skull had been a medical specimen that belonged to his late father, who was an anesthesiologist, according to media reports.

There is also the possibility of perverted asphyxiation sex, where choking causes a person to pass out to experience a greater orgasm. Perhaps HB ran a con and just kept choking after the passout as people will start breathing again in most instances.

There is not any reference if sexual acts too place. The ditch dumping would indicate that perhaps not as vehicles are cramped quarters for sodomite orgy and performing sex acts outside with screaming would draw attention as homosexuals first caused public outcries in the Midwest in their screaming sex orgies in public parks.

There must have been a triggering event in moving from vehicle dispatching to the controlled environment of a farm. Perhaps being come upon dumping a body or being stopped by a police officer with a dead body in the car, which HB talked his way out of it, created the fear factor in HB shifted his operation to a more secure environment which he could control.

Most people knew Herbert Baumeisteras a successful businessman with a wife and three kids who lived in a big house on a horse farm in suburban Indianapolis.

Humans tend to be lazy, and however strangulation entered the routine,  the dumping of the bodies was both discarding waste and not having thought out what to do with the corpse. Serial murderers do not tend to purchase the backhoe first and lime to hide the corpse. That phase did not come until a decade into this spree, where it would appear  almost being caught, still did not produce the leap to the backhoe, but instead the focus was on burning bodies, which is not exactly not noticed and a time consuming task, with even more effort in crushing bones. There was perhaps a catharsis in this in destroying the remains to cleanse the trauma which was suffered in the first molestations.

HB upon his being discovered, fled to pristine Canada, from the urban sin which he viewed America as. It was of interest that he left a suicide note, without mention of the dozens of people he had dispatched. Instead he apologized for his despoiling this Canadian park, apologized for his failed marriage.  That was the HB ideal of nature and normal. The discarded waste product was homosexuals, himself as a failure of the ideal and pristine Mother Nature.

There is a final  fascinating portion in this analysis in the suicide of HB. One would have thought he would have hung himself as he was drawn to strangulation. Instead, he chose a power weapon, in a pistol to shoot himself in the head. Perhaps a 22 small caliber as he almost survived long enough for medical attention at a hospital. This is of interest in this psychology as strangulation was intimate and reserved to choke out lust in the sodomites, but when it came to the manly failure of HB, he chose a firearm to express his emotional outburst at failing.

I doubt we will ever see Opie Howard starring in a clinical examination of this serial murderers existence, even though Opie being career Hollywood would have been exposed to stories like those of Corey Feldman and Corey Haim, as sexual predation is what Hollywood was built upon. It is more the shame as the public examination, not vilification nor emulation, could arrest some of this before it manifests in keeping what is locked away from being acted out upon.

Nuff Said
