Wednesday, October 9, 2024



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is an all things Chinese reminder again, not to buy Chinese, and the subject is this horrid incubator that the plug in melted down and almost started on fire.

Trying to see what I could salvage I took the thing apart and found wiring not of code. Both plug in wires (THERE WERE NOT 3 as a ground for safety as this is a wet electric appliance) were blue. It was all bizarre as the plug in going to the dock up socket had 3 wires.

I was cussing a blue streak though as I cut into the cords and wires and you do not get a fraction of an inch extra for rewiring. The wiring also is not wire, but some kind of wire that is like plastic.

So what I ended up doing as I could not salvage a thing, was a I purchased at 1.06 a foot, a two copper wire wiring and 3 plug ins, two male and one female, so I could unplug this in dealing with hatching chicks. I tied the shitty Chinaman wire to the not so shitty Chinaman wire of 16 gauge with wire nuts, electric  taped them  to try and avoid electrocution and put it together.......and upon pluging it in the fan was rattling.


So went to town to get off the place, came home growling, and took it apart. Turns out the sensor for heat was now inside the fan. I pulled it out and have no idea how that happened, but it stopped rattling, all worked and I have an incubator which is half assed better than the Chinaman fire hazard one.

As you do not have my abilities, do not buy these things. I have no idea how the computer board is put in.........must be glued in from the top and there are lots of wires. Reason I have to figure things out is I have that other one which deteriorated and am still highly displeased over that. I want to try and salvage at least the egg turner mode so that will work.

I think the fan has a heater on it, and I have a replacement fan which probably has no heater in it, so will have to put in two 25 watt light bulbs which are incandescent and Nigger rig this together and see what I can get to work. That though is a project when I have time, as this little fruck up I just fixed took me over an hour to splice in the wires and plug ins. I would be better off with the one I'm going to build out of a microwave again in that time will not be wasted........just need to get a low voltage to turn the eggs so they do not get thrown out like the fast pitch in baseball.

So for what these Chinese things are, they are not worth it. No more than these other incubators out there over 1000 bucks as all this computer shit and whatever else Chinese is in them, is going to not last either.

So for 15 bucks I fixed a 53 dollar incubator which lasted 60 days. Am thankful the house did not burn down.

Nuff Said
