Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Push Going Out The Door


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog predicted, Kabala Harris hit her "high" when she ousted with Obama Inc, Joe BIden from the ticket. She is in free fall now as American voters, and that means ALL Americans with not hyphens are joining in this rejection of Bombay Kamala and Tampon Tim.

The Goebells propaganda safety net is gone. Things which would have been covered up for Obama Clinton are now glaring on CNN and CBS. The Lame Cherry never thought it would ever see a free fall mirroring the Jimmy Carter plunge as the liberals would not allow another Reagan,but we are indeed witnessing a direction of the Board as in the Reagan era when the CIA's media and assets, began planting devastating stories which actually reflected what has  always been the casae in Black Americans never did embrace Birther Hussein Obama.

For Blacks, these are the independent, Cornell West and Kayne West strong, sel made Black males and they are not going to beat their feet on the Mississippi mud for a corn cake from the plantation.

'I Got A Dad, And He Ain't You': Response To Obama's Condescending Remarks Goes Viral

The Lame Cherry will tell you something so you get this and appreciate it.

You know from this blog that Joe Biden has been doing all he could to retaliate on Obama and Harris for the coup to get rid o him, in helping Donald Trump.
What you do not know is something bigger is going on. Do you remember the reason Donnald Trump got into this race? It was Barack Hussein Obama pissing on him. Trump got into this race to retaliate and defeat the Obama legacy in Hillary Clinton. Trump was then crippled by the inner circle and hunted down for 4 years, but Trump after Butler reached a deal with the Board. There was a clause in this agreement though in which Trump's life is still in jeopardy as weather warfare was unleashed against him. You can see that clause and when I explain it, you will be amused.

Donald Trump in agreement, had the Board, send out the image Obama. First at the DNC where the image smeared the Obama legacy in talking about Trump cock size. The clause was not finished as these rather ignorants of Obama Inc, were next scripted out to attack Black Americans for being racist and women haters. The blacklash was immense and it was one more smearing of this Obama legacy, which is tied into this invasion of America and perpeutal wars and Americans losing everything. This Lame Cherry explained that the Obama legacy would be written by the fringe in the Lame Cherry. It is now being amplified by the factions in the Democratic Party. Donald Trump is being provided his revenge. Obama's legacy is kaput.

It may be the case that the perpetual victim always dying in Jimmy Carter is going to be buried by President Donald Trump as the final nail in the Obama legacy. Obama''s smart ass mouth has destroyed the Obama legacy and it is up to the Board in this in how much they want this legacy to dangle and rot.

As this blog predicted, Donald Trump now has double the numbers to overcome Obama vote fraud and flipping. Do not think this is going to be a walk in the park though a this is a disruption of America.

As the Lame Cherry floated this awhile back, the likely scenario is there is going to be a Trump win. There will be though these 3 day late votes which people will be reminded of how Joe Biden had the election stolen from him. It will keep people on edge. The liberal mob will riot and raise hell and demand that Trump not be certified.

It looks like into this, Dictator Biden will arise, with the US military to restore order for Trump who is President in Florida as Kabala Harris is doing the Walz thing as president pretend.

If you read the stories, they want the US military active in America for this dictatorship. The right will agree to it as this time it is not going after them. I do not want to get too far ahead in this, because it is fluid, but Donald Trump will get a peace with Russia. There will be a European 10 which will appear for their policies. Trump will Obama shift to Asia as that is what the Pentagon lusts for, and Trump will have the economy stabilized or him as Europe needs the money in energy drilling, throwing out the rapists and murderer invaders, but leaving the cat eaters in place.

It looks to me that Obama is going to be humiliated times 10. It loos to me like Harris has not descended to the wetting her panties and crying on the sidewalk meltdown which is in store. Watch Minnesota swinging for Donald Trump. If it is that complete, it is the pound of flesh. I suspect Donald Trump will win in an electoral landslide but lose the popular vote due to vote fraud.

So we are that the time line point of what this blog predicted two months ago. The signs are there like with Casey and Buckley for Ronald Reagan.

At this point, I would like to see Cornell West in charge of HUD or something for rectiying the amage of the Obama's in the Black ghettos of America. That is what Abraham Lincoln would do.

We are reaching the point of the push going out the door.

Nuff Said

