Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Pentagon and Congress should be Hung for This.


Lloyd tells me this bomber is a real deal at 550 million each, as with each
bomber comes a box of free Milk Duds.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It seems Ford Motor Company's bright idea of ruining their Ford pick ups with expensive maintenance to fund the conglomerate ruptured into the defense industry as you will appreciate the bullshit below on the B 2 Bomber.

 It's maintenance needs mean it can fly a sortie less than once a month assuming sorties of six hours or more - highly conservative for the long ranged and low speed bomber designed to fly for over 20 hours at a time. The bomber requires almost 120 hours of maintenance per hour of flight, and spends the vast majority of the time grounded. A single B-2 costs $135,000 per hour to fly as a result, and incurs maintenance costs of $3.4 million per month.

This is something which should never have been funded or purchased. Who the hell buys a war plane that is grounded most of the time and requirese 20 hours fixing for every  hour it flies!!! In case you missed it, it can only fly 20 hours at a time. This bomber is supposed to be the nuclear bomber out of Missouri to strike Russia at long range in a nuclear war. It takes longer than 20 hours to fly that distance and back.

Oh but it gets better, as the Pentagon and Congress now are buying 550 million dollar B 21 Raiders as they are cheap compared to the 2 billion for the B 2 which does not fly.

It gets better..The replacement jet which is so cheap, will require 200 escort fighters bombers to protect it. This is called the FB 22

 Given the scale on which the B-21 is set to be manufactured, this could well necessitate production of its escort on a similar scale - which assuming a minimum of one escort fighter per Raider will mean a production run of over 200 fighters.

The FB 22 was apparently scrapped 20 years ago. Something about it being a 2000 mile bomber and it being a high speed interceptor..........

For those ignorant of this, the stealth aircraft FLY SLOW, because if they fly fast they heat up and leave a signature which can be tracked. So the B 21 flies slow and it's escort flies fast. The two do not meet and no where in this is there a cost projection of how a cheap 550 million dollar bomber is cheap when it requires an escort fighter which flies faster than the bomber.

As stated, Sam Nunn and Jesse Helms would never have let this robbery be foisted on thee American people as this is the same bullshit that Abraham Lincoln dealt with, along with Congress when Sec. of War Cameron was buying army rejected guns for more than they were sold and they were for cavalry horses from Pennsylvania which were blind, limped and sick.

Nuff Said

